
Ratings Change

In light of recent prosecution against the owner of a fan-site for using the copyrighted MPAA ratings system (G-NC17), we’ve changed our ratings system. The new system (suggested by the wonderful Rainpuddle) is as follows:

Not Naughty = G
Mildly Naughty = PG – PG13
Naughty = R
Really Naughty = NC-17
(All equivalencies approximate)

Please go through your fics and check that the rating is still appropriate.

Posted by Megh on May 01, 2005 11:26 am (4 Comments)

I think the new ratings system is cute....although, the word naughty has always cracked me up!
On a side note...I can't believe that people have nothing better to do than sue over the more traditional rating system. GEEZ!

Bellasol67 @ May 01, 2005 06:30 pm

That's terrible that someone brought up a lawsuit for something as insignificant as that, i really hope it didn't do much damage, it mad me really upset when i read that...i like the new rating system though it's very... NAUGHTY

Draco Luva @ May 02, 2005 05:02 pm

I can't beleive that the MPAA would be such wankers. I somehow doubt the judge in that ruling used any sense, as tons of people have been using that as a guideline for explaining the maturity content of a body of work. There has to be some precident that the MPAA has allowed other people to use it for years without seeking any legal action till now. It's like trying to put a patent on the wheel, people have been using it for years without someone trying to sue for patent infringement. It seems that since other have been using the rating for so long, that it seems silly to start sueing over something they let slide for years.

Betz @ May 03, 2005 04:07 pm

We weren't going to switch, but then we thought, you know, as long as people get the general idea of the content, what does it matter? *shrug*

Mynuet @ May 03, 2005 04:33 pm