
Buy shwag!

Believe it or not, there have been those who asked about FIA t-shirts, and so I went to CafePress and made some. No one (except Cafepress) is making any money off of these, but if you want a t-shirt with our purty banner on it, go visit our CafePress store. There's also a mug on there, because I want a mug for my very own. :D

Posted by Mynuet on Jan 09, 2006 04:21 pm (10 Comments)

That is too cool.  I have to get a mug.  I don't know the deal you have with Cafepress, but if there's a way for the site to make money off of this you should do it.  I'm sure every little bit o' cash helps in maintaining the site.

KateinVA @ Jan 09, 2006 05:15 pm

Well, with CP, you can set whatever markup you want - like, the mug costs $11.99, but I could have the site charge $14.99 and I'd get the $3.  However, making a profit from fanfiction is strictly forbidden, and I have nightmares of messing up the bookkeeping and accidentally making a profit and then having Warner Brothers descend like the wrath of heaven and have me flogged in open court. 

Okay, that's perhaps a touch melodramatic, but I do want to be careful of respecting JKR's wish that no one try to profit from her characters.  The site only costs the hosting fees, which I pay for a year in advance with donations from people who use the site, and so it's just simpler to keep the CP stuff strictly on a not-profitable basis.


Mynuet @ Jan 09, 2006 05:30 pm

I so need a mug for my desk! but boss might know EXACTLY what I do all day...

arieschica @ Jan 10, 2006 02:32 am

I think this is a super idea!  I have got to have the ladies cap sleeve shirt.  I just wish some of the profit could go to the site, but I know what you mean about observing all the legal stuff.  Will you put a link to the CP for those of us that are on government pay roll and only get paid once a month?  I would love to visit it after payday.  Thanks for having such a cool idea.

gotsnape @ Jan 10, 2006 04:13 am

Have just bought a cup, because they are seriously brilliant.

Wonderful idea, thank you, Mynuet! 

Ylime @ Jan 10, 2006 08:35 am

Eeeee! Wish it was economical for me to get one shipped to blighty! Ditto on the 'knowing what I do all day comment' *giggles*

Myanceris @ Jan 10, 2006 10:09 am

That's so exciting! lol, if only I could get to Cafepress. I don't even think I know where it is...and I haven't the slightest delusion that anyone I know will take me. "You want me to drive all the way to Cafepress just so you can buy a Harry Potter T-shirt?!"

"No no, you misunderstand. A Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley t-shirt!"

Hehe, plus I'm broke. But I can dream.

thememory @ Jan 12, 2006 05:42 pm

These will be available in a few months, correct? I'm starting my job next week but I want to save up a bit to get one of these shirts and the mug! :)

EnchantedBelle @ Jan 13, 2006 04:01 pm

TheMemory, Yeah, that'd be difficult to explain.  I'm not even sure where CP is physically, so there'd be the added element of "So, um, yeah, I'll email them and get diretions, including finding out where they are."


EnchantedBelle, Unless CP has some kind of rule about closing shops with relatively low activity levels, it'll be there on into infinity. :)

Mynuet @ Jan 14, 2006 03:35 am

I know the image belongs to Starlette, but is there any way for there to be a Mug with those four pictures printed around it? That would be absolutely AWESOME!! I LOVE that pic so much and I'd move heaven and earth to own a mug with it on.

Myanceris @ Jan 28, 2006 02:12 pm