
Actual site news...

Okay, just so y'all know, I'm heading into finals and so absolutely nothing is going to be done about the site until after May 9th. Once I'm done with school for the semester, I'll be going over the site to see what I can do to help Megh figure out how to fix some of the problems. I know at the very least there's an update to the site software available, but before I make even the slightest attempt to do something technical, I'd want the entire site backed up. I shudder to think what might happen if a rank novice like me starts mucking around with stuff.
So anyway, that's where things stand. I apologize for the delay in fixing the site's problems, but we will get to them as soon as we can.
Oooh, idea. One of the problems is that we only have one skin, which obscures the author's note box for some reason. If any of you want to try your hand at making a skin, that'd be groovy, but don't get us sued or piss anyone off by using their art without permission, and keep it G rated. I prefer if people have to actively seek out teh pr0n. If you do make a skin, drop me a line at mynuet [at] gmail [dot] com. :D

Posted by Mynuet on Apr 23, 2006 04:12 am (2 Comments)

Pardon my lack of familiarity with technical terms about websites. When you say "a new skin", do you simply mean new art work? Even though it would take a lot for me to get tired of that very cute kiss on the heading right now, the difference between submitting art work and redesigning the website's appearance is a big one for someone like me. Oh, and good luck with your finals.

Phaedra7veils @ Apr 25, 2006 07:01 am

The artwork up top is called the banner. A skin is a different layout for the webpages - for example, our holiday skin has a picture of D/G and mistletoe, the menus are laid out slightly differently, and the text is green with red highlights. It's basically designing how the page will look, rather than changing anything about the page. Although, hey, we never turn down artwork, either. ;)

And thanks with the good word on finals. I'll need every bit of luck I can get.

Mynuet @ Apr 25, 2006 04:29 pm