

Faith of the D/G site Sugar'n'Spice would like to let everyone who visits her site know that they are having some issues with domain registration that they hope will be worked out soon. In the meantime, no one needs to panic, for it will return.

In other news, as soon as we've worked out the rules and the layouts and appointed the moderators, there will be... *drumroll* Forums! And an art gallery!

I'm quite excited, although I can tell you already that our main holdup will be my extreme lack of html/css skills. If any of you out there have some of those and feel like volunteering, drop me a line and you'll be praised to the skies for your efforts.

P.S. - I added a comment to the effect of what we need, and my email address if there are any questions. Cheers! :)

Posted by Mynuet on Aug 10, 2006 07:18 pm (16 Comments)

I'm not sure how much help I can be, but I have html knowledge and I'm working on learning more about css.

CharmedLife19 @ Aug 10, 2006 07:22 pm

I'm the same as CharmedLife19, but I'd be happy to lend what HTML and CSS knowledge I have (However limited it is).

aliahcarina @ Aug 10, 2006 11:51 pm

FORUMS! *falls off chair* Squee! - that is so exciting! *goes silly with excitement*

Ylime @ Aug 11, 2006 01:25 am

Very cool beans!! That's exciting- can't wait! :)

dramaqueen872005 @ Aug 11, 2006 03:54 am

Well... I've should have learned css by this point, since I work with this kind of stuff. I know some html and it wouldn't hurt for me to learn more. Ok... I'm volunteering. ^^

Anya @ Aug 11, 2006 05:22 am

I've been working with HTML and CSS for about 3 years, though I haven't been using it much lately. I'd like to volunteer. =)

applesnaps @ Aug 11, 2006 08:26 am

Very excited about the new features! I took a semester of html formatting and three semesters of C++. And I remember squat. So I'm no help at all. *raises glass* "To the people who have the required knowledge!"

FeehanLaurens @ Aug 11, 2006 08:30 am

Basically, we've got three programs - efiction, coppermine, and smf - for the archive, art gallery, and forums, respectively, and only the vaguest idea of how to make them look pretty. We've got the Photobooth skin for efiction, but it has a lot of bugs in it, unfortunately. All of the programs support skinning, although I think in coppermine they're called themes. If anyone out there can design skins, they would get full credit for the design, and my personal adoration. :) All I ask if that you ask permission if you're going to use anyone's fanart, and that you keep it G or PG rated at most.

Email me at mynuet [at] gmail [dot] com if you've got any questions. :)

Mynuet @ Aug 11, 2006 09:36 am

Designing is not my area of expertize, though I might know some people who can do this kind of work. I'm a code-freak, or else a programmer. Gonna check the web about these programs you mentioned and see what can I do to help. ^^
And thanks for the e-mail regarding this. I was bound to check the comments here sonner or later, but because of the e-mail it was sooner.

Anya @ Aug 11, 2006 11:28 am

Coppermine uses themes. What I've done in the past is (if you don't want something completely new, or need something in the meantime) I use one of the themes already made with coppermine but I had a graphic (header) to it (with the site name and whatnot) that personalizes the theme.

I'm not familiar with what smf uses in terms of coding language. I'm not sure if you need help with that or not.

I'm afraid I'm not much help as far as layouts go.

CharmedLife19 @ Aug 11, 2006 03:21 pm

Ooh, Forums more ways to communicate. I know a moderate amount of HTML so, if you need help just drop me a line.

Rashonda @ Aug 11, 2006 05:26 pm

Hmm, well I have a good amount of knowledge on css and html. If you need any help just email me with the details at As far as the programs go though, like CharmedLife was saying, you can create a header and edit the skins in order to go along with the theme. Most likely all the programs have some editing area where you can input your own coding to override their own.

Mediator @ Aug 12, 2006 09:19 pm

I work with coppermine on one of my websites, so if you need help with setup or whatever, just ask. As Mediator was saying, you can override the coding with your own. In the files for each of the themes there's a main html file for that theme. (Actually, I don't remember whether it's .css, .php, or .html - I'd have to double-check.) You override the coding in that file.

Sorry if this is confusing at all. If you have any questions, or if there's anything I can do specifically, you can e-mail me at

CharmedLife19 @ Aug 12, 2006 09:38 pm

Sharlene, I'd definitely be able to make a skin for eFiction, I'm really into XHTML, PHP and CSS (you can see an example of what I can do at I know it's quite simple but I'm into accessibility and stuff so that all users, disabled or not can visit)

So, I'd love to help. Are there any deadlines?

chrasy_vendredi @ Aug 13, 2006 09:45 pm

YES! My time has finally come. I may not be the best at writing stories, but I can sure as heck draw pictures...
*wanders off giggling maniacally*

archirat @ Aug 14, 2006 03:44 pm

Oh, heck no! Er, about the deadlines. Anytime anyone is interested in making a skin, I'll be more than happy to take it. :D

Mynuet @ Aug 14, 2006 03:59 pm