
The skins & submissions open

I forgot to mention this before, but yes, it is planned to bring back the Photobooth skin. The problem is that we've had an entirely new software upgrade. This means that I can't just use the old skin - it doesn't work properly. Because eFiction 3.0 is relatively new, the development team (who also happen to being doing their work as volunteers, just like everyone here at FIA *ahem*) hasn't had a chance yet to build a tutorial on skin upgrading. We do have a skin similar to Blanket with the Photobooth header that is almost ready, so you may be seeing that soon. I cannot give you an ETA on the old skin design, though.

On the red links: yes, I realize they're a little hard to read. I've actually adjusted it somewhat from what it originally was. The problem is that the link color appears on three different colors: grey, black, and blue. Change it to look good on one and it looks like crap on another. I'm working on it, but I work 40 hours a week and have classes. I am sorry about this - in the meantime, you could use the Valentine skin.

Also, to those of you who have sent what I consider the equivalent of hate mail (you know who you are) about the skins - can I just say that there is a difference between respectfully pointing out your opinion (see the reponses to the previous news post) and an email titled "WTF!!?". Cannot use the words I'd like to here to describe how angry that makes me.

Oh, and submissions are now activated. You should also be able to edit your stories.

An extra note from Mynuet: If I hear one more complaint, someone is going to rue the damn day that they decided to open their big fat mouth. Lyndsie has been working her tail off, and to see people whining and complaining is making my eye twitch with the urge to smite. No one owes you a damn thing, and if you like the privilege of having this site, then show some frickin' respect to the person who's been sweating over making sure it's here.
In short, the next person to complain is going to become the target of my wrath.

Posted by Lyndsie Fenele on Feb 08, 2007 04:52 am (51 Comments)

Hey, while you are working on the photobooth skin, try to take into consideration text size increases.

I use Firefox and I increase the text size with ctrl+ so I can read my unhealthy dose of fanfition without my glasses on.

With the new skins, menus and other things overlap. In the past, I never had that issue.

Thanks, and fantastic job with the archive!

hummie @ Feb 23, 2007 04:10 am