Name: sweetpop reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Apr 20, 2008 01:04 am
“No, now dry up those tears and do what I told you to do. Who do I look like? Da?”

“No,” she pouted, putting fudge flies back on the shelf just to her right.

Ava scooped up the candy off the floor. “He does too look like Da, Rauri!”
well, imagine the havoc at home if Liam was as compliant as Draco was in letting Rauri and Ava have everything they want!
hahaha that was so cute!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Jul 27, 2006 09:16 pm
~I really love those girls~
Name: flame_kitty reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Feb 20, 2006 02:01 pm
this chapter was cute, but a little short, and I wasn't exactly sure what point it had in the story.
All-in-all a very nice chapter, although it could be longer. :-)
Name: Betz reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Jan 03, 2005 04:06 pm
Good for Liam. As my husband would have said, "You'll get nothing and like it!" If I can't have Draco, can I have Liam?

Author's Response: HAHAH! You'll have to get in line for Liam. The queue forms over there...
Name: Natasha reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Jan 01, 2005 02:56 pm
Great update. My cat is bugging me! Please update soon. I love your stories!
Name: medea reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Jan 01, 2005 02:33 pm
No means no. Oh I'd like to see Liam handle his own daughters if he and Lucy Ann ever gets around to them! That was too funny. I do love the Malfoy woman and daughters handle the men of the family!
Name: mary reviewed The Ice Mice Incident on Jan 01, 2005 08:46 am
haha,i love those two girls, and li, and gareth, and draco , and gin. well all ur characters rock, an i cant wait to read more!
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