Reviews For Oh Dear God
Name: luvtheweasleys reviewed Confrontations on Mar 10, 2008 03:26 pm
This is beautiful....and I was in dear little Ginny's shoes once before, and I know exactly how she felt. 19 years later, and my daughter is all grown and on her own...People make mistakes, but they can be good mistakes. Taking responsibility for ones' actions is important and the first step in parenthood.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Confrontations on Mar 04, 2006 03:52 pm
Well, at least Draco is taking some responsibility.

I really like the fact that you are making this as close to "real life" difficult as possible. I mean, obviously certain things have to be adapted to the world of JKR, but you're doing a very good job making it as realistic as possible.

Author's Response: He is. I did debate him avoiding her, but after the circumstances of their first time, where he pretty much let nature take over and didn't stop to think, he can't really step away - he is ultimately culpable.
Name: imelda reviewed Confrontations on Mar 29, 2005 12:42 pm
Yikes. Your Malfoy is so sweet. This entire chapter, in fact, was much nicer than the first. I could kiss McGonagall for her kindness. I wonder about the underage thing, though--in America the law says that if the two people are within 2 years of age of each other, it's legal. Is it different in England, or is this just your own law? Just curious.
Name: zuvalupa reviewed Confrontations on Mar 12, 2005 11:28 am
This was so enchanting! Brilliant! I hope to read more soon! I love it!
Name: sabacat reviewed Confrontations on Nov 11, 2004 10:17 am
This is SO good! I really like how Draco's acting about everything, and how it's almost to the point of them-against-the-world. Can't wait to read more!
Name: MistysDawn reviewed Confrontations on Nov 07, 2004 04:40 pm
This is interesting. Keep it up. Can't wait to see how everyone's going to freak when someone finally finds out.
Name: Glass_Mermaid reviewed Confrontations on Nov 06, 2004 06:51 am
I love it. I love how rationally Ginny is taking her pregnancy, and how she is seeing that negatives. I abhore those 'I'm pregnant! 'Splended! We're underage, but let's get married.' 'Jolly good! Harry can be the godfather even though you hate him!' 'Ah well, water under the bridge and all that after I've knocked up his best friends sister!' stories. You're doing a really good job.

Author's Response: LOL - I LOVE your response! I abhor those fics too - so OC!

"You're doing a really good job." - *blushes* thanks.

Ginny is taking the pregnancy rationally - at the moment. I think once she starts to experience all the other aspect of pregnancy like the hormonal swings, swollen feet, backache etc etc etc then we will see a definate change in her viewpoint and as for the birth, well, put it this way, my mother is a midwife, so my research material is top grade!

I am still debating how to handle the revelation...
Name: Laurels reviewed Confrontations on Nov 06, 2004 12:44 am
I really loved these two chapters. This story has somthing other pregnate Ginny fics don't have... I can't place it but it is simply brilliant! I love the fact that they were friends first and then more and it wasn't some one night stand. The only thing I didn't like was the Howler, but I think it served its purpose really well and certainly made for an interesting twist in the fic. All in all I have really loved the start and can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: I'm glad you like this. Chapter 3 is coming on brilliantly. I wasn't sure about the Howler either, I think it is my least favourite part, but it provided a humourous pre-howler Ginny POV, spread the story around the school, shocked the father and resulted in a much-needed dialogue between Ginny and McGonagall. I can't abide those stories that have a pregnant Ginny that appears to receive no sort of counselling from the school whatsoever, it's so unrealistic because any school would make sure a girl knew all her options and the consequences of her actions. Obviously Hogwarts is (as far as we know) the only wizarding school in England so clearly they can't expel her because she needs to be trained, so this dialogue with McGonagall helps to 'set the scene' so to speak.

I really didn't think that making it a one-night-stand would have the same angst impact and potential for multiple Points of view as the friendship-turned-relationship. Although interestingly Love hasn't been mentioned, which I feel is important because at the moment we see lust and desire and friendship. Love doesn't even come into it.
Name: Gin reviewed Confrontations on Nov 05, 2004 03:39 pm
OMG!!! That was soo good!!! I can't wait for more!!! that's like totally awesome!!! OMG!!!
Name: Angie reviewed Confrontations on Nov 05, 2004 01:23 pm
Love IT! you hit it right on the target... if it really were to happen id imagine itd be just like that... please update soon!
Name: emvee reviewed Confrontations on Nov 05, 2004 07:20 am
good good good good!!! such mature writing on a difficult subject. this is not the first pregnant-ginny story i've read but it's so far one of the best. not that my opinion matters but i think draco would be more sacred about what other people might think and his social station. he would also try to figure out how to turn this to his advantage. i think he would force ginny into marrying him if only to secure his heir within his family. his mother would agree. he would be thinking long term and not just the year he has left in school. ginny, on the other hand, would be very concerned about her familys reaction when they do find out who is the father. arthur and her brothers would be so against any relationship. molly would encourage ginny to get married if only for the sake of propriety. please continue with this story. am looking forward to the updates.
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Confrontations on Nov 05, 2004 03:03 am
You already know how much I like this story and I can't wait to see more. Poor Ginny and poor Draco. They are both in very difficult positions and torn by forces greater than either of them. Yet they are linked forever by this tiny life they created. The fall out from this revelation will be interesting.
Name: jeansmx reviewed Confrontations on Nov 04, 2004 06:14 pm
I am really enjoying this story so far. I can't wait to read more. You have done a goodjob of sticking close to cannon, which is sometimes hard with the D/G ship.
Name: me reviewed Confrontations on Nov 04, 2004 04:01 pm
Those were a great 2 chapters. I want to see how the respective families' reactions when all is finally revealed. What will the Weasley's do to Draco when he finally owns upto to his part? What will Narcissa say for having a half Weasley for a grandchild? More so what will Lucius say when the news reaches him? Oh my.... Anyway to my praise of great writing. The humor and drama go hand in hand here!
Name: Dawn reviewed Confrontations on Nov 04, 2004 03:03 pm
Wow, I really liked this story. The twist about underage pregnancy is interesting and I can't wait to see what happens. Keep writing please!!!
Name: Emerald_Valley reviewed Confrontations on Nov 04, 2004 11:28 am
Good work! Its an awsome story......^_^
Name: Brielle reviewed Confrontations on Nov 04, 2004 10:58 am
Nice story. Continue!
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