Reviews For Imitating Life
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Things Fall Apart on Aug 02, 2006 03:11 am
As sad as this is I am hoping for revenge soon. Tell me that they throw tomatoes at Hermione and Harry at their wedding. Tell me that Draco comes in and save Ginny's face by making comments about how the 2 are destructive people. Tell me that he files a suit on behalf of Ginny for custody of her child and away from the prying hands of Harry and Hermione and that Harry will have to pay thru the nose for the baby. A boy I think to sting Harry and then have the kid cal Draco 'DAD'.
See? Hit Harry where it hurts -Hermione can't have babies.
Affected totally by the story. Hopefully it will turn around soon.
Name: Kim reviewed Things Fall Apart on Jul 05, 2005 07:52 am
This story is amazing! I absolutely love it. One of the very few fan fictions I have ever read that doesn't make betrayal seem so cheesy. Excellent - you truly have talent, I do hope you update soon. :)
Name: ronlover reviewed Things Fall Apart on Jul 04, 2005 07:15 am
OMG!! This is so good. Keep up the great work. So much betrayal. That must have been Draco! hehe. Keep up the great work. Update soon.
Name: Pinkmelissa reviewed Things Fall Apart on Jul 03, 2005 10:46 pm
Oooh, this is so good. I can't wait to find out what's happening next. Man, all these D/G writers are really making me hate Harry. I was all but chanting "Death to Harry! Death to Harry!" when I finished this. Anyway, can't wait for the next part. :-D
Name: imelda reviewed Things Fall Apart on Jul 03, 2005 06:09 pm
Ooh, a promising beginning! I absolutely love D/G fics that begin with friendship. More, more, more!
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Things Fall Apart on Jan 04, 2005 06:54 pm
The last section was by far the strongest part of the piece. Really well written and the reader is totally engaged in wondering about their relationship, what is Ginny thinking and where will this go.
Name: Jenn reviewed Things Fall Apart on Dec 30, 2004 06:09 pm
It seems like this is going to be a great story! I love your style of writing. I'm looking forward to the next chapter(s)!!!
Name: Laurels reviewed Things Fall Apart on Dec 30, 2004 01:11 pm
I really enjoyed this first chapter! Things I liked, was having both her and Ron affected by Hermione and Harry. Also awesome that Ginny was on her way to tell Hermione about the baby (I presume) when she discovered them together. The Luna report thing is harsh and most deserved... but what I loved most is the last line... most concern is that she could get over him that easily just because she saw Draco... but then I think about it and I now read it as, the world wont fall apart because she isn't marrying Harry. It is a very good last line to end on. I can't wait to get another chapter of this, it is very interesting and I enjoyed reading it. good dynamic to it!
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