Reviews For The Lush Life
Name: Miran reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 23, 2006 02:51 am
*Flails a bit more*

Author's Response: Ves says: We caused flailing!! Um, do be careful there dear…
Myn says: *ducks the thrashing limbs* And we're sublime!
Name: Gorram reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 23, 2006 01:41 am
This story is brilliant....I love that line...Gone Rabid have we! It is typical Malfoy and at his best!!! I love how you have portrayed Ginny as well!

Author's Response: Ves says: Quite typically Malfoy – dry, sarcastic and said with a sneer. It’s like the Malfoy Bond thing – “Dry, with a sneer”. So glad you are enjoying this!
Myn says: No wonder we love D/G - they rock individually and together.
Name: megami_no_ushi reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 22, 2006 08:46 pm
well that certainly would put molly et al in their place! Especially Molly, since I doubt she could keep up her anger after the tears and the bit about not eating since 2 days ago.

Though I'm thinking this possibe detante isn't going to last...again my mind is spinning with possibilites brought up by Narcissa's gleam and Draco's visit. Truth be told, I get the feeling that Ginny won't be in her current position much longer, though I can't be wild about the possibilites. Even if she is to be the "face of lush" full time for the time being or even transferred over to work more closely with Draco on the campaign, I would be quite put out. The Narcissa/Ginny relationship is just as fun as the Draco/Ginny one, plus I have too many feminist leanings to be happy with a demotion. ;)
Well, good luck with the real life work and I'll continue to be pleasantly surprised to see your updates. I hope to see another relativly soon!

Author's Response: Ves says: First, mad props for using et al. correctly. I am impressed. Love your musings…we shall see what you think about the next few chapters, but I think you will be happy with where this is going. We do need to keep Ginny and Narcissa interacting on a regular basis – they have a great dynamic going. And thanks VERY VERY much about being “pleasantly surprised by the update” – we might be able to manage “relatively soon”. It’s a vague enough deadline to meet! ;)
Myn says: *clamps hands over mouth to avoid giving away plot*
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 22, 2006 07:04 pm
Oh, I am glad that she stood up for herself and demanded an attention from her family. I love the fact that Draco is always around and how cute they are when you write their dialogue. I hope she does go away and travel soon.

Author's Response: Ves says: That would be fun for her, wouldn’t it? Except for that one big trip, the Weasleys don’t seem to travel much…Glad you are enjoying this and YES, it was time for Ginny to put her foot down with the fam. After all, she is a big girl now!
Myn says: Any number of hormonal wizards can attest that she sure is.
Name: lenanectaris reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 22, 2006 06:56 pm
That is wonderful! I love the fact that Ginny was able to tell her family to just let her be an adult. Also, I'm guessing that it was what was in the papers that Malfoy was trying to tell her about? In any case, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Ves says: We shall see…now won’t we? I suppose Ginny will see at some point too – she can’t hide from the papers forever.
Myn says: Actually, that might not be a bad omake to do - a scrapbook of newspaper articles related to stuff in the fic.
Ves says: I don't even know what an omake I leave that up to you.
Name: KateinVA reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 22, 2006 06:39 pm
Teases! You two are just teases! What does Draco want to talk to her about? Does it have to do with their 'relationship', or is it something entirely different? How will the Weasleys react to Ginny's little speech? Answers, people, I want answers!

Author's Response: Ves says: Guilty! *can now break out her “TEASE” t-shirt* We are evil and don’t we know it. Answers are forthcoming…though even more questions are forthcoming too. Sorry, it’s a package deal.
Myn says: You say 'tease' like you're somehow surprised...
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter Nine - Bleary, Beset, & Bombarded on Aug 22, 2006 06:15 pm
Yay! A new chapter! This fic is such a guilty pleasure for me, it was just what I needed on a dreary, rainy summer day. Update soon please,and great job so far! I might have to check out the real Lush line...

Author's Response: Ves says: They have some fun stuff. Worth a browse at least. Some of their fresh masks and stuff sound like they could be spread on pita or your face!
Myn says: The Lush Life, by Vesanmyn - the perfect accompaniment to bonbons.
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