Reviews For Slow Burn
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Forest Fire on Apr 27, 2005 05:57 pm
Oh my god, Draco's answer to the question 'How have you been?' was make my poor aching heart bleed gut wrenching. I loved the raw emotions of this chapter...the pour your heart out regardless of the outcome-ness of it all. I'm glad you didn't have these two hop in bed from the get go, this makes the characters more real, less fan fiction-y, plus it forces the reader to become more involved in the story (at least for me it does). I wanted to mention that in the previous chapter, I loved all the detail in Draco's painted a lovely canvas for us. Great job, I'm with the others, I don't care when you update, just don't abandon the story.
Name: Lisa reviewed Forest Fire on Apr 26, 2005 09:17 am
Just wanted to let you know that I discovered you from your live journal (I am very new to that form of communication) and I love your stories! This one, in particular, is stunning. I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the fabulous work! Cheers, Lisa
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Forest Fire on Apr 04, 2005 02:50 am
Wow! I've been stalking this story for days. I finally managed to stumbled onto it here after reading the first two chapters on Portkey. It was well worth the effort. I love the angst ridden tone, the pieces of her letter falling out at various points in the story, and the realistic portrayal of their mutual obsession. I also thought the scene with Harry finding her with Draco's package was unspeakably well done. "Seeker's reflexes"! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful story. It was now one of my very favorites. I will be rereading it in the future.
Name: Embellished reviewed Forest Fire on Mar 31, 2005 05:19 pm
You did a great job in building the tension in this chapter. I can't wait to see what comes next...
Name: imelda reviewed Forest Fire on Mar 31, 2005 04:22 pm
*Sigh* Wow, you did such a good job with their meeting. After you'd built it up for so long it would have been easy to disappoint, but that one moment was really moving. This fic is great--I like the story a lot, and it's interesting how Ginny is forced to be selfish, even though that doesn't really seem to be her nature. But it kind of reminds me of Wuthering Heights, of Catherine and Heathcliff, because everybody hates them but all they care about is each other. That was most clearly seen when Ginny asked Harry "What does it say?" Ah, so cruel. Poor Harry. Although I have a sneaking suspicion about him...when Ginny barely picked up on something in Molly's speech, was it that Ron found Harry at Hermione's place? I bet they're going to get together. In any case, I'm glad Molly was nice to Ginny, and I'm really mad at Hermione for being so rotten, but if she's in love with Harry, it all makes sense.
Name: Natasha reviewed Forest Fire on Mar 31, 2005 11:30 am
OMG!! I must read more. I love this story. Please update soon. I must now what happens next. hehe...harry...hehe. Don't even ask. lol. UPDATE SOON!!
Name: corvidae reviewed Forest Fire on Mar 31, 2005 10:14 am
finally antoher chapter, i just kept telling myself "soon" lol! this was seductive and lovely and i really hope to see the next one very soon as well, bravo for a lovely story. *-*
Name: tkmoore reviewed Forest Fire on Mar 31, 2005 09:57 am
Absolutely Yummy!!!!! TTFN Kelly
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