Reviews For Coming Home
Name: crimsonpetals reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on Mar 17, 2007 05:36 pm
Very adorable Draco/Evan bonding. Great chappy.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on Aug 17, 2006 05:42 am
~Bonding bonding bonding. So Great.~
Name: mary reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 05, 2005 06:03 pm
oh jane sounds so sweet, i liked draco and evan's bonding time that was funny
Name: EnchantedBelle reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 05, 2005 02:34 pm
Aww how cute! I'm so glad to have read this chapter! Sorry for not updating in earlier chapters but my father passed away so yeah. I think the interview went good and hopefully they have more! =] Could you please show the article? orno? Thanks. Please update soon!
Name: Mynuet reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 05, 2005 01:00 pm
Squee! I loved the interaction with Evan and Draco - Evan starting to see him as something other than the enemy and Draco seeing him as something other than Harry's clone. I also really liked the way you handled Evan's self-possession; yes, it's very mature for his age, but that's because, unlike Harry, he realizes from the getgo what a big deal he is, and has had someone who loves him to help him deal with that. Very well done.
Name: Natasha reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 05, 2005 10:30 am
YAY!! You updated, and you made Evan start to like Draco. YAY!! PLEASE update soon. I can't wait till I read more.
Name: kiera14 reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 05, 2005 04:11 am
I just read ch. 10 an it was brilliant. I loved the way that Draco decided to join Ginny with Evan by siding with Evan on the type of broom. That is definitely a step in the right direction in getting to know Evan. Great chapter, keep up the great work. I can't wait for some Draco and ginny alone time;) Please update soon:)
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter 10: Publicity on May 04, 2005 05:55 pm
What a lovely chapter, I was dreading the interview, afraid that everything would back slide...but it went well (so far). It was great to see Diagon Alley through Evan's eyes (and relive a bit of the first book). I love the friendship you've created between Draco and Ginny, I believe that they could remain just friends and not disappoint your readers.
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