Reviews For Footprints
Name: shaded reviewed Loyalty and Precautions on Nov 18, 2007 01:41 pm
The way that Lucius stiffened ever-so-briefly and had just a hint of sibilance in his tone due to the forced nature of his words as he realised the extent of what he had gambled was extraordinarily subtle, as was the whole of the conversation between him and Finch.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Loyalty and Precautions on Aug 26, 2006 05:46 pm
~Are you sure this is Draco/Ginny???~
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Loyalty and Precautions on Apr 20, 2005 01:37 am
Powerful portrayls of all the characters. I just love that scene with Lucius and Finch. I'm thinking right about now that I need to go and read all of your previous stories.
Name: obsessedmadwoman reviewed Loyalty and Precautions on Apr 02, 2005 04:57 am
Oh gosh I LOVED it! So far, at least. Can't believe no-one's reviewed yet! The feeling of slight surrealness is magical :P Well, must rush, got to read the rest.
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