Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Sep 06, 2011 12:14 am
How does Ginny know what Draco's face looks like, "in the throes of orgasm"?
Name: LadyEndymion reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 23, 2005 06:06 am
I am so pleased to find this story! Ginny as a romance novelist - great idea. I can't tell you the little thrill that I got when you mentioned Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice - and Georgette Heyer! Hardly anyone that I know has even heard of Georgette Heyer! Yes, Draco is a perfect specimen! I can't wait to read the other chapters! Elise

Author's Response: My sister introduced me to the great Heyer. Venetia is my favourite of her books :)
Name: Natasha reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 16, 2005 09:35 am
I like it so far. Please update soon. I really hope you continue. Keep up the excelent work!

Author's Response: I'm actually at work on part three, so that should be posted soon...
Name: lina reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 05, 2005 04:38 am
i was trying to figure out what character i've read that she reminds me of and for some reason i kept getting this cross b/w lizzy bennet and fanny price from mansfield park (more movie than book i guess--> just the turns of phrase and the the last bits of random thrown in)

Author's Response: That would probably be because I'm a huge JA fan... Lizzy and Fanny are my two favourite heroines :)
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 05, 2005 03:40 am
Do update soon. I'd like to see what happens...sooner rather than later!

Author's Response: It's coming, it's coming. Now that I'm on break I'll be able to write a lot :)
Name: judimatt reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 04, 2005 06:18 pm
hmmm....imtriguing, no? You have peaked my interest. I look forward to reading more. Too bad it's not smut, it has great potential. Just kidding, it really does have great potential..more soon!

Author's Response: I've never been good at writing smut. I love to read it, but the writing of it at the quality that it's found here and other places, is a tad beyond me!
Name: stormcloud reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 04, 2005 01:50 pm
quite good and intriguing... I was a little worried when you said that it was not betad but as it turns out for no reason… interesting plot premise. please continue

Author's Response: I actually do more beta work than I do writing, so my grammar and spelling tend to be excellent. I generally use a beta as more of a preview audience, so to speak... an expert on canon, fanon, or plot, so they can help me with those aspects...
Name: Marina Black reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 04, 2005 12:31 pm
This is a lovely fic, suprisingly refreshing! I really enjoy reading it as a person looking in rather than having a 3rd person narrarator. And to me, this seems like something Ginny would do. I can see her slipping off to find out all about Draco's nasty habits, his shag partners and even his dimwitted partners Crabbe and Goyle! Keep up the good work and if need a beta you may e-mail me: (Just put my name, Marina Black, in the title. I share the e-mail with my sister. ) Danke! Marina Black

Author's Response: Thanks for the offer! I might just take you up on that once I'm finished...
Name: oak_pixie reviewed Intrigues: A Prologue on Apr 04, 2005 10:21 am
wow this is a great start and i can't wait to continue reading it. I POV of ginny. i like the way she seems to intereacts with the reader. plz update soon!

Author's Response: The Ginny POV will be continued throughout the whole thing, but not as directly... it will be in third person, but third person limited except in the epilogue and prologue... I'm glad you liked it!
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