Name: Kisou reviewed Who am I? on May 06, 2006 01:08 pm
I really like this story, but I don't think the title does it justice. I don't know, it just sounds a little bit corny to me. Maybe I don't have a sense of humor, but this isn't exactly a happy fic and that title makes it seem like a joke. It doesn't really attract the right readers.

Author's Response: Thanks for the tip. I will work on it!
Name: Kisou reviewed Snape the Spy on May 06, 2006 01:06 pm
I reviewed before telling you to space things out. I had only read the first chapter. I've seen people before who really didn't know how to spread things out, and it's really annoying. But, I realized by the third that you were using it as a tool. You were trying to confuse the reader and make them feel slightly off. It is still hard to read, but I like the idea. So I take back what I said before: you don't need to change the spacing. There are definite consequences to having it this way, but there are also advantages and this is very much effective.
Name: Kisou reviewed Who am I? on May 06, 2006 12:42 pm
Please space this out. It takes time, especially if you are required to use HTML, but it's worth it. Us readers have a hard time understanding a big block of words like this. It's mesmerizing which makes it easy to get distracted.
Name: Lovelylioness reviewed One Drink Too Many on May 30, 2005 03:08 am
Hey - I'm liking this a lot. I can't wait to see what happens when Gin gets her memory back. And hopefully what Gin said about no regret will get D thinking - I'd also like to see more from Draco's pov. Oh - and Nellie as a house elfs name?!?!? That's my name *pouts*. At least you spelled it with an ie instead of y.

Author's Response: Sorry about the Nellie thing. Some of Draco's POV is coming up in ch 5. Thank you for the review. Any suggestions let me know.
Name: ronlover reviewed One Drink Too Many on May 29, 2005 12:11 pm
I love this chapter. Well not the mean bits...but the part where Snape comes in. Will he be nice to Ginny? I hope so. Keep up the great work. Update soon.

Author's Response: I can't thank you enough for writing so many reviews! I love getting those e-mails and when I had three I couldn't stop smiling! Thanks for giving me a few pointers instead of just praise! That's what I really love!
Name: ronlover reviewed Why am I here? on May 29, 2005 12:06 pm
I like this chapter. It was really good. Draco blushed! lol. Keep up the good work.
Name: ronlover reviewed The Other Side on May 29, 2005 11:58 am
I like this story so far. The last sentence in this chapter does not make sense to me. Maybe you could clarify? Thanks for reviewing my story.

Author's Response: I think I got that pesky sentence fixed for you.
Name: mary reviewed One Drink Too Many on May 28, 2005 10:54 am
the plot gets thicker by the moment, very interesting. although the d/g action seems to e going a little bit too fast, ther's not enough information about draco's view

Author's Response: Thanks for the tip. I was kind of wondering about that. I will try to review and revive!
Name: IndyCICURN reviewed One Drink Too Many on May 27, 2005 05:32 pm
Very interesting...uinque story Draco is trying to spin with Ginny...Lord only knows what that Red haired temper will do to him when she finally gets her memory back. Keep going... Kristine

Author's Response: That is the moment I can't wait to reach. Hehehe. Thanks for the kind words!
Name: tulzdavampslayer reviewed One Drink Too Many on May 27, 2005 02:08 am
aaah good ol sevvie. and yay for updates!

Author's Response: I can't really say I'd like Severus, but I love the way Alan Rickman portrays him is AWESOME! And the character of Severus is so fun to play with because it's so dimensional! Go J.K. Rowling!
Name: milkyway07 reviewed Who am I? on May 24, 2005 09:22 am
I love the first chapter! Cant wait for more. Please update soon!

Author's Response: It's coming, I promise.
Name: mary reviewed Who am I? on May 22, 2005 05:21 pm
hmm interesting, i wonder what happened to ginny. it seems slightlly dark for a humor fic, but im sure its gonna be there in the next chapter

Author's Response: I'm trying hard to gauge exactly what genre I'm in. I have a tendency to jump from humor to darkness. Kind of weird, I know. I think the humor will come into play the more D/G interact.
Name: beads reviewed Who am I? on May 21, 2005 10:27 pm
Ee! Update soon! It's got my attention, definitely. Great style, love the wording, the emotions.. More, more!

Author's Response: Thank you! Next update may take a little while. I am vernturing away from the little town to the big city for a week. Don't worry though, I won't foget you!
Name: Brittany reviewed Who am I? on May 21, 2005 12:02 pm
Oh come on! You have to update very soon! Please! This was amazing!

Author's Response: I love reveiws. You guys are always so nice. You make me smile! Criticism always welcome, just make sure it's constructive!
Name: tulzdavampslayer reviewed Who am I? on May 21, 2005 03:50 am
ooh, I like this. Looking forward to updates.

Author's Response: Finals are done and I'm stuck in the most boring place on earth. Updates should come regularly from now on.

Author's Response: And thank you for the kind words.
Name: swizzle reviewed Who am I? on Apr 13, 2005 01:03 pm

Author's Response: Hehehe! I was wondering when someone would get that!
Name: Natasha reviewed Who am I? on Apr 12, 2005 11:28 am
Oooo. I like it! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!

Author's Response: I'm trying...damn finals.
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