Reviews For Sweet Bondage
Name: imelda reviewed A Little Gathering on Jul 03, 2005 04:38 pm
What? What? Arrghh, you've left us with a cliffhanger. I am so confused. And eager to see more Blaise; he's cute, but I hope he doesn't get his heart broken again.
Name: annibelle reviewed Blood Rituals on Jul 03, 2005 04:21 pm
This story is absolutley amazing. Written better than anything I've ever seen before, but I have a problem. I check here all the time to see if you update and yesterday I saw that you did, but I can't get chapter 12, all it shows me is 1-11. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact, that you're last chapter left me hanging. I'm dying, literally. And what sucks the most is that I'm going on vacation tonight and I won't be back till' Wednesday. That is way to long. I'm a hundred percent positive that this is not your fault, it's the site's fault. I just had to tell you this because you have to see how much I love this story. Now, that I'm done explaining this to someone, I'm going to keep checking here until I have to leave, hoping that maybe, just maybe chapter 12 is available to read. One can only hope. Great job btw!

Author's Response: I am happy to tell you that chapter 12 is finally posted. It took all of four days, but at least it's out there already. Enjoy!
Name: shmily reviewed A Little Gathering on Jul 03, 2005 04:19 pm
dammit...a cliffie. You'd better update soon or I don't know what I'll do.
Name: imelda reviewed All About the Malfoys on Jul 03, 2005 04:18 pm
Wow. I'm glad the voice in Draco's head is more than just a conscience; it always seemed to be. This is getting so good; I hate the fact that there's only one chapter left that's posted. Sob! But that scene between Lucius and Draco was truly beautiful; I loved it. Which reminds treat guilt very well. First Bill, who's personal issues with Ginny's pregnancy really blew me away, and now Lucius, which blows me even farther. L and N's history is so atrocious, isn't it? But I think it's totally fitting for Malfoys.
Name: imelda reviewed The Birth on Jul 03, 2005 03:50 pm
Colin is the sweetest, best friend ever. He's fantastic. As for this whole big plot that's going on among the grandparents...I'm worried.
Name: imelda reviewed Introducing....Draco Junior on Jul 03, 2005 03:16 pm
Hm. As a rule, I hate hate hate DG-baby fics. When I read that your Ginny was pregnant, I had to resist from writing you a review that said nothing but *groan.* But you're handling it really well. Again, your unique Ginny's unique way of handling this has me intrigued. I must read on.
Name: imelda reviewed Draco Malfoy on Jul 03, 2005 02:38 pm
Oh, no, how awful. This story is great, though. I'm glad you asked for a beta reader; I'm sure you've gotten one by now. But there is so much in your story that is really Ginny's being helplessly drawn to Draco in the club. I confess to having a predilection for tough, super!Ginnys or even coldhearted!Ginnys, but it is a real treat to read your different version of her. Like Glass_Mermaid's Ginny, this one isn't afraid of wearing her heart on her sleeve. Of course it backfired, but I'm still proud of her.
Name: imelda reviewed Secrets on Jul 03, 2005 01:59 pm
This fic is such a fascinating mix between...well, fandom cliche and enjoyable innovation. Ginny's character is not at all how I imagined her, but I like what you've done with her. You do a good job of exploring her character, though I suppose Colin could use a bit more. One thing that drives me mad, however, is your grammar. Usually it's fine, but there are quite a few glaring mistakes that irk me (and others, I'm sure). You really ought to get a beta; I'd totally be willing to do it, since your fic is an enjoyable read. If you're interested, email me at
Name: eli reviewed A Little Gathering on Jul 03, 2005 11:20 am
ahhhh! please update soon! I am soooo hooked on this story, and I wanna know what happens next!
Name: Eldarwen reviewed A Little Gathering on Jul 02, 2005 03:54 pm
I've decided I hate you, lol. How evilly could you end a chapter? I'm dying to know what happens next! I'm hoping it is Draco she sees. I love fanfiction especially Draco and Ginny ones but its rare for me to get so into one like I have done this one.
Name: Meneloth reviewed A Little Gathering on Jul 02, 2005 10:06 am
WHAT THE FREAKIN' CRAP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You DID NOT just do that!!!! (Okay, so you did and it was absolutly brilliant, but it still had me on the sharpest pins and needles known to mankind!) That was a really amazing chapter! I REALLY love the interaction that you have written between Blaise and Harry. I believe that you have taken a very unbelievable situation and made it very believable. It was just brilliant. Now, I'm sure that I am not the first person to write this and I am very sure that I will not be the last, but you must hurry and update!!!! I am pretty sure that the person that Ginny is seeing is Lucius, no matter how horribly bad that I want it to be Draco. Whoever it is though, I think it is a good thing that Ginny will pretty much be forced to face them (with the twins with her, I might add)! Wonderfully written chapter...a true piece of litterature art, really. As the chapters keep going, no matter how amazing I believe your writting skills to be, they just keep getting better and better, never ceasing to amaze me!!! Keep up the beyond amazing work! I can't wait until you reveal your next masterpiece of a chapter to us, so don't keep us in suspense for too long!!!!
Name: dark fairyofslytherin reviewed Discoveries on Jul 01, 2005 11:29 pm
PREGNANT!! WTF?? HOLY FUCK. OMG what the hell is gonna happen to her, well i can imagine when her family finds out but why the sudden turn in Draco? man i gotta keep reading. but i hate pregnancy stories about Ginny when she had a one night stand. damn it
Name: Amanda reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 28, 2005 08:57 am
awesome! I love Blaise! keep up the great writing! Can't wait for the next chapter.. evil cliffhanger you put there.
Name: jchaser reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 27, 2005 12:38 pm
Thank you so much for updating. I'm constantly checking to see if you have. Another wonderfully written chapter - well worth the wait. But now I'm dying from the cliff...please update soon.
Name: Eden reviewed Draco Malfoy on Jun 26, 2005 06:41 pm
A nice chapter... and I really like your story. I was laughing out loud at Draco's conscience! "Growth redardation?" haha Draco was a bit mean at the end...but he will realize he was wrong. Right? He better... He conscience better have been right!! He knew that lot's of people asked to marry Ginny but does this mean he doesn't know that his father asked if he (Draco) could marry her?? Hmm... I must keep reading! Keep up the good work!!
Name: seejanefall reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 26, 2005 02:58 pm
Ugh! The agony! I simply can't wait for the next installment! Wonderfull fic, (I'm not generally a fan of post-Hogwarts, but this is brilliant!)
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 25, 2005 09:52 pm
Hmmm...not sure WHICH Malfoy it is....could be Lucius but could also be Draco. It seems as though he might have hired a wizard form of a detective and he may know....hmm...can't wait to find out! Please update soon!
Name: Nicole reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 25, 2005 05:34 pm
wha is it? what is it? what is it? can't wait for the next post, pllllllllllz let it be soon.
Name: Audrey reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 25, 2005 11:44 am
Ahh, what a cliffhanger! I really love this story, it's so addicting. I hope you update soon!
Name: Dragonness186 reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 25, 2005 11:28 am
It's Lucius, isn't it?! I just know it's him!! Well, I'm so glad you could update again, cuz I just love this story and thrust you completely with the plot, I know u know exactly what you're doing and where you're going to... The most intriguing part of this is what the heck was in that black box, but i know you'll tell us sooner or later
Name: ronlover reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 25, 2005 05:56 am
I love it! Thank you for updating. I think the person is Lucius Malfoy. Am I right? Anyways keep up the amazing work. This story is absolutly wicked! =)
Name: sweetproserpina reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 24, 2005 08:05 pm
What doe she see??? Great chapter, I really like Blaise, hope he gets more time in chapters ahead. What about Lucius? Is it him that showed up? Sorry for the questions, questions, questions! Don't mind me. Can't wait for chp 12. Keep up the great writing.
Name: janai'sbaby reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 24, 2005 07:22 pm
I'm hoping it's Draco. And could Blaise be a help to Draco?
Name: Angela reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 24, 2005 06:16 pm
That's a terrible way to leave your audience, you must know that. A Cliffhanger...of all things! I concur with the previous reviewer; is it one of the Malfoy's? Well, I suppose I'll just have to wait and see, won't I?
Name: cuteblondebabe reviewed A Little Gathering on Jun 24, 2005 05:20 pm
I can take a guess who it is. It is Lucious Malfoy or Draco. I'm guessing its Lucious though. Good post. Can't wait till the next one. Hope you post soon.
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