Reviews For Unbidden Desires
Name: Lindsay reviewed Bring Me to Life on Oct 10, 2004 10:29 pm
Awesome fic so far!! I finished all the chapters today. I'm thoroughly impressed. You're a fantastic writer, who keeps readers *me atleast* on the edge of their seats writhing in anticipation. Keep up the good work, and I look for more updates in the future! =)
Name: Iseult reviewed Bring Me to Life on Oct 09, 2004 09:14 pm
It's 2:30 am where I am and I couldn't stop reading this fic. I love it! Please update soon. And then update again sooner, and sooner yet. You have a fantastic writting style. Whereas most people writting an emotional Draco completely botch it, I think that you pulled it off fantastically. Wishing you lots of free time in which to write. Iseult
Name: ser reviewed Bring Me to Life on Oct 09, 2004 12:02 am
Yay you updated! I've been reading this story on schoogle but I'm really glad I found it on here. Your slangs pretty good for a non-brit. Although we don't really have all that much slang. Well at least I don't think we do! Naughty bella. It does make sense though. Who is more twisted and evil than her? Brilliant chapter and just out of curiousity is Blaise acutally dead? Or is he somewhere else? I just have this feeling he isn't. Either that or I'm pulling at straws here! lol! Anyway can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. love ser

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. No, Blaise is not dead, and I have a feeling we will be getting back to him - ! ;)
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