Reviews For Unbidden Desires
Name: Valesca reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Aug 21, 2007 08:36 am
Wow, the last scene was fun, Filch finally getting his revenge. :D
I truely loved your story. It was really exciting, more than just once. You did a great job!
The turns your story took were most interesting. And I didn't really see some of them coming. Oh, and in my opinion, your mystery writing skills are really good. ;)
Well done! I was really enjoying your story!

Author's Response: Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. I had a lot of fun writing it.
Name: Melody Rose reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Mar 15, 2007 05:02 pm
i've finished!
yipeee for me!
let me just say this is an AMAZING story, i was getting chills near the end
great job! my only criticism is that you occasionaly missed a word or two which made some sentences hard to follow
but other then that brilliant
Name: MistressMalfoy reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Sep 18, 2006 11:24 pm
Yay! What an awesome fic! Reading for the second time is just as good... i love how you tied all the plot points in together. Go New Zealand!
Name: Sara reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jul 17, 2006 11:40 am
Wow, this was AMAZING!!!! Yes, please do a sequel!!!! Thank you for writing this.
Name: Scanty Slytherin reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on May 11, 2006 05:09 pm
YAY!! that was BRILLIANT!! and you should definitely do a sequel!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I appreciate the review. And yes, I would love to write a sequel. If I can come up with enough new ideas that will work and if I have the time, I'll see what I can do. :-D
Name: Adelagia reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jan 29, 2006 06:01 pm
I have no idea how this gem slipped under my radar for so long. You've just the right mix of drama, humor, action and romance, I just had to read it all in one go. I did several happy dances upon finding out Blaise was alive and when he returned, and Kreacher's technical detail about protecting the Black family was just great. So amazing how the plot unravelled from Draco's simple quest for the Mirror of Erised. I'd love to see what you do with a sequel if you do end up writing it.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I tried really hard to make it work and still sound plausible. I would love to do a sequel(!) when I find some time and get some good ideas flowing for it. Thank you for reading it and taking the time to review. I appreciate it! :D
Name: Natalie reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Dec 12, 2005 01:17 am
Well it took hours but I have finally finished! A great read. The ending could have been a little more detailed but I guess you need to make way for a sequal? Anyhow thanks :)

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! :) I'm still kicking around the idea of a sequel; I've been thinking about writing a Christmas one-shot for now (see my Livejournal), since that's where it ended, but I do have 2 other WIP's (neither one is D/G, so they're not on this site) to write more of, and I'm also attempting to put together an original work. But isn't finding the time always the problem? :P
Name: CaesiiOculi reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jun 14, 2005 05:55 am
The idea of Mrs. Norris actually being human = 10 Galleons The enchanted diary cover = 45 Galleons George getting his period = priceless. Eagerly awaiting for another fantastic story!

Author's Response: Yeah, I thought it would be a good way for him to get some 'payback' and humility, which the twins seem to get very little of. :D And thanks - I'm glad you liked it! I'm working on other things as we speak, but not all of it's D/G. Check my LJ to see what else is cooking in my twisted little mind... ;)
Name: Nival Vixen reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jun 12, 2005 03:28 am
Please update soon! the ending ws hilarious! Filch is going to GET them bad! ha ha ha ha Nival Vixen ~NV me
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jun 02, 2005 10:17 pm
FANTASTIC!! I didn't realize that you were going to write an epilogue to the story but I was very happy that you did. I enjoyed Filtch using his powers once again, though I think I would have prefered the part with Draco and Ginny to be at the end. I would have kept the main characters more fresh in your mind. The entire story was amazing! You should be very proud of yourself. Congrats on finishing your first full length novel. I for one would LOVE a sequel I live for prequels and sequels. I hope you do write one, not just because I would love to see what happens but also beacause a talent like yours shouldn't be left to sit on a shelf if you know what I mean. .....Kristine

Author's Response: Thank you for your kind words - that means a lot to me! :D Check my LJ for links to my other works. Yes, I thought about putting a D/G scene at the very end, but I opted not to. My goals were to keep it real, to write everyone in-character, and to avoid doing things that people expected. I really wanted the ending to be memorable, not just have the happy couple "riding off into the sunset" I put their mini 'love scene' at the top. And it does leave room for a sequel and even a prequel or two, so don't worry - I'll be back...! ;)
Name: jamie reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jun 02, 2005 02:23 pm
great chapter, i really enjoyed this story and the ending was excellent just like the rest of the story. you did a terrific job and i am sure that i will read this story over again. And I hope that you do decide to do a sequel because that would be so terrific. Again Excellent job well done:)

Author's Response: Thanks! :D I enjoyed writing it. I hope to continue in this "universe" as time permits.
Name: Embellished reviewed Interhouse Cooperation Week on Jun 02, 2005 09:18 am
Thank you for your story. I have enjoyed it very much! Whether you write a sequel or something else next, I will look forward to it. You seem to have lots of good ideas!
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