Reviews For Unbidden Desires
Name: luthien ringgerl reviewed Strategem on Sep 25, 2004 10:39 am
noooooooooooo u killed blaize how could i gess ill get over it, oh look i already am needs more D/G very good thought
Name: kaerra lazy gal reviewed Strategem on Jun 23, 2004 02:55 pm
Wow, I wasn't quite expecting Blaise to go in that way, but I figured you'd have to do something to get Draco to really want to turn sides. He's been needing motivation to rat out on that crazy Michael Grant anyway. By the way, I just love the Ron/Hermione interactions. You've got them perfectly. I hope we only get to see them together like that sometime in the actual novels. ^_^ Anyway, moving along to the next chapter...
Name: Vanessa reviewed Strategem on Jun 20, 2004 12:38 pm
What? What happenned? Is it because of what he saw in the mirror? Then he truly loved her... Anyway. I wanna know more! I'm totally addicted to your story. It's just... wow. Truly amazing.
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