Name: Andi_mom2deetnj reviewed The Huge Version on Sep 06, 2004 07:40 am
Words cannot express how much I love this story! Awesome job again, Shar!
Name: Moka reviewed The Huge Version on Aug 28, 2004 08:08 am
You are so great...
Name: Celebrant reviewed The Huge Version on Jul 31, 2004 01:13 pm
Wow.... This story is amazing!
Name: Corvidae reviewed The Huge Version on Jul 22, 2004 02:08 pm
you are clever, witty, brilliant, clever...witty bastard. seriously, i was laughing so hard and reading everyhitn quietly out loud as if that clarified how truly funny it was untill my throat got dry. it was wonderful, and sweet, and hilarious and i think this should really be how it happens. did i mention it was witty? *-*
Name: Gilly reviewed The Huge Version on Jul 20, 2004 02:02 am
Well now. I've read that story like....five times so far this week. It's kinda depressing how I've only just discovered it, but I'm glad I did! This has got to be one of the best stories I've read in the fanfiction world, and really...I wouldn't mind if it were the only story I'd EVER be allowed to read. No, really. It still makes me laugh, and I'm eternally jealous for a friendship at the level. Gratefully, G
Name: Aaren reviewed The Huge Version on Jun 16, 2004 11:23 pm
Wow. That was one of the best D/G fics I've ever read. No, I take that back, it was THE best D/G fic I've ever read. I think it might've been the best fic I've ever read, period. Absolutely brilliant. You met the challenges really well, the story had a nice flow to it. It made me laugh so hard at some points, and then I'd get all fuzzy and gooey with delight! Fantastic!
Name: pinksunryse reviewed The Huge Version on May 29, 2004 03:05 am
omg!Hilarious! I love the quote so much I shocked the candy i was sucking on. "Shut up and fuck, Malfoy." *breaths* omfg! I also love the way they were best friends and the way GInny burned her knicker, i love this so much! *huggles you*
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