Reviews For Closet Cliche
Name: SilverLightning reviewed A Classroom! on Jun 21, 2007 10:50 am
Another absolutely hilarious story! Except for the hermione and snape- that is really just....just.... wrong!!!!

Author's Response: Thank you :) A lot of people would agree with you! lol Thanks for reviewing
Name: emmah reviewed A Classroom! on Jun 18, 2007 02:34 am
that was funny...weird, but funny...
i like it

Author's Response: I'm glad you thought it was funny and weird, and still liked it! :D Thanks for reviewing.
Name: sweetpop reviewed A Classroom! on Nov 19, 2006 12:43 am
*falls off chair laughing* I thought it pretty funny that Hermione and Snape decided to share a closet together... *grins*

Author's Response: *helps you off floor* :D hermione and snape love to share their closets *smirks* ;) lol thanks for reviewing!
Name: Potter popper reviewed A Classroom! on Jul 24, 2006 04:12 am
The story was OK but hermione and SNAPE in a closet? That's against the rules!

Author's Response: hermione and snape in a closet is better than ron and snape in a closet *turns green and shudders*
Name: Potter popper reviewed A Classroom! on Jul 24, 2006 04:09 am
The story was OK but hermione and SNAPE in a closet? That's against the rules!

Author's Response: thanks ... i think ... it's not against the rules! :p lol
Name: Vanillalolly reviewed A Classroom! on Oct 14, 2005 07:44 am
Please check out whats wrong with this chapter.. your story is so funny but i can't read it:( .. .. .. *tear*

Author's Response: ok... it's fixed! don't cry!!!!! :-) now you can erad it properly, and understand the next part to the story...
Name: Ana reviewed A Classroom! on Oct 13, 2005 06:23 pm
Unfortunately, it seems like this chapter is unconveniently empty. (That was a bad joke, I know.) I think you need to get it fixed or something... But the last two chapters, I got a great laugh out of. lol. =D

Author's Response: i'll check what happened and fix it for you... hmmm.... where'd it go??? darn thing... i'll fix it, k? :-)
Name: Samantha reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 16, 2005 12:39 pm
Yay for Snape/Hermione!

Author's Response: lol. I think that they can be good together, depending on the writer. :-) Have you read Fire and the Rose? It's excellent!
Name: kaleidoscope-vision192 reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 10, 2005 02:00 am
LoL. Very nice. ;) I must agree that the closet is overused. Kudos to you, hun! Honestly, randomness is a gooood thing. I usually hate characters reading fics, but yours is really way too funny. Yay! Bring out the next chappie quick! ~moi~

Author's Response:

Thanks for your review!

I usually don't like characters reading fan fiction either, but I couldn't pass writing this story! It makes me and others laugh, so I'm happy! :-)

The next chapter will be up soon!

Thanks for reviewing!

Name: RoseB reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 08, 2005 08:26 pm
Hehehehe...I was laughing my head off at this chapter. It's so random and funny. =) Hehe Ginny talking to herself and counting closets and I liked that nice touch of Hermione informing her of course there are 472 closets. Also some gross humour Filch and cleaning instruments...shudder...and Hermione and Snape turns me green as well. I loved the line where Draco was all snappy about the authour you could shrink his 'you know what'. Haha it wouldn't be fair to Ginny wither. Anyway good chapter. Until next time, RoseB

Author's Response:

Thanks! Glad you laughed! :-)

Well, the 472 closets should be in Hogwarts: A History... It's vital information! Everyone needs to know how many closets are in a school!

Filch and cleaning instruments... I seriously don't know where that came from, but it seems to fit in with the random-ness of the story, if not, then definitely in the 'gross and weird' part! ;-)

I wouldn't shrink his 'you-know-what'... Well, I might if he wasn't nice...

Thanks for reviewing!

Name: twiddlekinks reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 08, 2005 06:52 pm
haha A bit of an odd duck in storylines, but you're doing a cute job of mixing in fic and banalities and, well, closets. You might want to watch your verb tense, as sometimes jumping around between past/present/first/third person can be confusing. But, in general, 'twas a very cool idea. :)

Author's Response: Thanks! An odd duck... Never heard that before... I know about the tense, and I am very sorry! I only realised after I'd done the chapter that it swapped! I'll try to keep that in line, but I wouldn't expect much because I never could colour inside the lines very well... (Don't ask where THAT came from... I'll keep the tense in the proper form, but sorry if I forget!)

'Twas! ha ha ha ha! Love that word... Thanks for reviewing!

Name: EB_sirius_lives_on reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 08, 2005 12:32 pm
Ha. this is SO BLOODY weird. but i'm gonna have to continue reading it. The unusuality of it bids me to. Blasted. EB

Author's Response: I know it's weird. Pointless, random, whatever you want to call it, it's plain, downright weird! Yes, you have to continue reading, or else... hmm... or else I won't be happy... If that's not a good enough reason for you, then I'll think of something else! Unusuality usually makes people do things that they don't really want to, or at least things they think they don't want to do. It's the unusuality in ourselves that causes us to recognise other things that may be unusual and respond accordingly. Ha! That sounds so 'professional'! I should write that down somewhere so all can know of my genius! (The above statement is all copy right / copy write to me now!) If anyone wants to use it, go ahead, I don't really care...

Thanks for reviewing,and ignore most of the above reply!

Name: beckysue2 reviewed A Classroom! on Sep 08, 2005 11:11 am
Love the funniness of it! I turned a bit green at the thought as well!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you still like it!

Did you turn green at the thought of Snape and Hermione, or Filch and various cleaning instruments? *Wink and evil laugh*

Thanks for reviewing again!
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