Name: alexandriaisariel reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Jan 19, 2007 11:24 am
I may not be the best fanfic author out there, but I am willing to try and grow where I need to. I have all the cliches in all of my older fics, that I look back on and cringe. But since I've started writing, my style has matured, but there is something I'm lacking. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I have a really hard time getting the "meat" into the exposition. I am wonderful with dialogue, and am good with the description, but when it comes to taking one point to the next I rush it. I need some coaching. And that is why I read your essay. I enjoyed it. :) Thank you.
Name: search4inspiration reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Dec 09, 2006 07:19 pm
This was a truly insightful (not to mention entertaining!) essay... I may reference it again. Thanks! :)
Name: Devon reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Oct 12, 2006 12:55 pm
Thank you so much for this. I'm sure this has helped many writers, new and seasoned, to improve their writing. I think you covered all the main points that needed to be covered and did a wonderful job doing so. I've bookmarked this page and will keep your essay in mind when writing fanfiction.
Name: CCC reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Sep 16, 2006 11:11 am
I thought this was helpful and funny. But, I can't help but wondering how a pile of wank is constructed.
Name: holypooontoast reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Feb 15, 2006 01:51 pm
Wow. I just have to say thank you. Do you know how many writers you have just helped? Myself included, and I don't particularly see myself as a "bad writer". Well done. You gave some very useful advice and I'm sure you may have stopped more than one "plebe", "MarySuethor" or "Troll", as you put it. Thanks again!
Name: noludoru reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Feb 15, 2006 11:28 am
I love this, it's the best guideline for writing fanfiction I've read yet. You outline all of the things I've sat at my computer and complained about to my kittens (not that they care). I think you're my new hero, my idol, even!

Name: shadieladie reviewed Part Four: Etiquette on Feb 15, 2006 05:32 am
Thank you. I don’t write; I KNOW I do not have the slightest bit of talent for long complex and interwoven works of art. However, as a reader I get turned off quite quickly to Draco “Oh, Ginny I know we have just met but I am madly in love with you.” This of course is completely out of character for him. One of the wonderful things about Draco and Ginny as characters, is that although they are both largely undeveloped by JKR, they are both exceptionally complex in nature. As such Canon is able to step in.

As I read your advice -of sorts- to writers, I noticed that you seamed to rant through out the four parts. While I can understand your frustration, the message is lost in your rant. It might be more effective to rethink your approach, at passing on the advice.
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