Reviews For The Sense
Name: Astria reviewed Breathe on Jul 20, 2004 11:02 am
It's a pleasure to review this fic, and Pansy liking the Cannons was a nice touch I wouldn't have thought of. Another great chapter with classic Draco and a very well written Lucius. Crossing my fingers that eventually Draco and Ginny will give into temptation and get it over with, lol. Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks so much your reviews are so sweet. /Another great chapter with classic Draco and a very well written Lucius./- Thank you, it means alot to hear someone say I write them well. I hope to hear what you have to say about the next one.
Name: creme_de_lilac reviewed Breathe on Jul 19, 2004 07:49 pm
I am, and have been since you began this story, a devoted fan! The plot is strong, and each charecter is defined and given a background, for which I applaud you. Keep up the work, I am anticipating the next chapter.
Name: Astria reviewed Chapter 9: A Prowler, The Prophet, and The Last Remaining Price on Jul 12, 2004 06:38 pm
Another great chapter. Am I correct in a assuming they use Hermione for Auror clearance? I thought that was kind of funny that Ginny was jealous of Pansy, I honestly didn't think she would be. Hope there's more D/G action coming up, and can't wait for the next chapter.
Name: Astria reviewed Chapter VIII: Dances, Dreams, and Dragons on Jul 05, 2004 07:28 pm
Loved it! Eagerly awaiting the fight bewteen Blaise Zabini (who I'm assuming is the intruder) and Ginny. Also can't wait for more D/G action. I hope Coli forgives Ginny. And thanks for the thanking. I feel famous, lol.
Name: Firei reviewed Chapter VIII: Dances, Dreams, and Dragons on Jul 05, 2004 01:33 pm
Liked it /very/ much! I was almost to the end of the chappie, and I was thinking, "Gee, wouldn't it be great if they snogged on the balcony?" ...and then they did! Brilliant!
Name: Astria reviewed Visions, Arguments, and Crocattas on Jun 23, 2004 06:04 pm
This is one of the best post-Hogwarts stories I've read. Plese keep writing, I really enjoyed it.
Name: lovely lioness reviewed Visions, Arguments, and Crocattas on Jun 23, 2004 03:43 pm
love your story! i just opened it up and read it in one sitting, my roomate gave up on trying to get my attention. i would be more than willing to beta, and if i do, please don't be offended because when you say brutally honest, you don't know the half of it. Ah well, one thing that caught my attention was the way draco suddenly went cold after the whole pendant thing which confused me a little, as i couldn't find his motivation, you know the whole why should i thank you? but anyways, i've liked the gin/colin relationship, definitely adds flavor to the story. please update soon! you can contact me at The Lovely Lioness
Name: Firei reviewed Colin, Quidditch, and Let's Make A Deal on Jun 16, 2004 01:54 pm
Oooh, very nice! I like how it's going so far, although I admit, I'm a little confused...

Author's Response: I'm sorry your confused, my writing can be a bit *off* sometimes. So what confused you? Well, I hope I'm able to give an explanation.
Name: Ives reviewed Daggers, Draco, and Colin Creevey on Jun 11, 2004 05:35 pm
Great set up! I love Ginny's job description. Colin was a nice touch, as well. Looking forward to what happens next.

Author's Response: Thanks so much!
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