Reviews For Hereditas
Name: Hopeless reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Nov 26, 2007 06:24 pm
oh that was rich when draco was getting tied up!! great stuff, but i do think that theres just too much on harry and not enough on our favorite couple!
Name: eli reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Jan 09, 2006 09:25 am
I love it! Mucho mucho gracias for another wonderful chapter. Please update soon! I want to see who Yaxley is, and just what it is that the Death Eaters wanted Ollivander for. Once again, great story.
Name: PansyNoPrincess reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Dec 14, 2005 06:48 am
I loved it!!!! It's like soooo awesome!!I loved the part that you put Mr. Ollivander in it!!! It is like ze best!!
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Dec 13, 2005 07:34 pm
A couple things... First, "I feel so miserable without you, it's almost like having you here" - I LOVE that quote... I've used it several times in real life, actually... Second, I'm really intrigued by this story! I can't wait to see where it goes. That said...PLEASE update soon!
Name: midnight reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Dec 12, 2005 01:58 pm
love this chapter PLEASE update sooon and im starting to think that draco has a crush on ginny cause he wouldnt of followed her all the way there and just leave for no reason then againshe an luna wouldnt of traped him...anyway write more soon!!!
Name: Brittny reviewed Crazy Something-or-Other on Dec 12, 2005 01:03 pm
I loved this chapter! I was laughing so hard my parents started to think the cheese had slipped off my cracker! Plaese update soon!
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