Reviews For Love or Lose
Name: Qweene_of_Argylle reviewed Something Borrowed on Nov 28, 2005 09:36 am
actually, that is still technically an AU, which is great, I love AUs especially with what JK did in HBP! But yeah...I'm sorry I'm a bitch...

Author's Response:'re right. :P it's an AU. *hides in a corner* oh and don't you dare call yourself a bitch! you have no idea how much I crave real criticism! it's so good to hear somebody actually speak their mind! :D thanks for reading, and reviewing... I promise I'll keep it up as soon as I finish my real work... :P
Name: Tiny Q reviewed Something Borrowed on Nov 26, 2005 07:00 am
Bah. I read the second chapter first. But then I read the first chapter. Go Ginny in standing up to that git. :p Anyhoo, I think I'm hooked on this so you better update soon or I will hunt YOU down this time. I know which continent you're on... It's only a matter of finding where you live... Hee.

Author's Response: you have no idea how much I squealed when I saw you'd reviewed this! I promise to keep updating! ... although I have to finish a short story for a competition so my writing may be slow...
Name: Qweene_of_Argylle reviewed Something Borrowed on Nov 22, 2005 07:05 am
I'm sorry to say this because you are a good writer and it is a great story...but have you even read the books? There are some obvious mistakes in here...unless it's an AU. But Slytherin is in the dungeons, not as tower...and what about the events of the past couple of books. It's like you made up your own events for those time periods. I'm sure you have a good explanation, and I'd like to hear it. But like I said, it's a great story and you are very talented. Please keep it up. Those things just bother me because I'm wierd...

Author's Response: thank you very much for your criticism! It's really useful for me. You're right, Slytherin is in the dungeons, it completely slipped my mind. Also, if you read the author's note in the first chapter, you will have noted that this story was originally started PRE-OotP. I have read the books, several times over. It's not AU. Thanks very much for your comments!
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