Name: hippoclit reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 30, 2008 11:58 pm
aaahhh...i was kind of wondering if draco was going to have to stage a revolution in order to get ginny back.
Name: Anonymous reviewed Balls of Steel on Jun 25, 2007 06:47 pm
draco better not, just because he may be in 'love' doesn't mean he should allow that. she betrayed him.
again, you wrote a very well!
Name: Bosco reviewed Balls of Steel on May 16, 2006 01:57 pm
Please update soon!! I love this story - I love Ginny and Draco and the dynamic with Chervenko!

Author's Response: Will do, Bosco! Nice to hear from you and glad you're still reading! -fallenwitch
Name: Mika reviewed Balls of Steel on May 12, 2006 07:28 pm
WOAH...forget what i said about the last review. nevermind al of that. just keep up the good work and update soon!
Name: Mika reviewed Balls of Steel on May 12, 2006 07:27 pm
So...i don't get it. is this the last chapter? (prays no prays no)

i really wanna know
Name: Aurinko reviewed Balls of Steel on May 10, 2006 05:34 am
Very, very impressive. How's Harry these days? Anyway, I really like your Dark!World set up. Very detailed and very clever. (I don't read any of these type fics, so this is very fun for me.) So Ginny's lost it now, has she? Interesting. And yes, there's a damned good reason to be furious with her. And if you don't fix it, this whole site will be on your *$$. Clearly. But since you DID post it here, I'm assuming that you're going to FIX the nasty little situation you set up. Also--do we get to meet Christo? I think it would be very fun to bring him to England, though I suppose that's doubtful. VERY interested in your next chapter. Post soon? (I even read the whole thing in one shot after searcing the web for it cause I lost all my links!) ^_^ Very good story. Best one yet, by far.
Name: Arienh reviewed Balls of Steel on May 03, 2006 11:17 am
This is amazing! Keep up the good work!
I'm on the edge of my seat awaiting more (I just finished reading the entire fic).
Name: rubookmark reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 26, 2006 05:30 pm
oh, please don't leave it like so sad. i bet draco's going to forget common sense where ginny is concerned and actually let her back in his country? *pleading look*
Please, let them end up together, i couldn't handle the angst otherwise.
Name: kitticus reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 26, 2006 12:50 pm
hey there!! I have to say.. i dont read much on the net - i have so much studying to do normally, but i always make an effort to catch up with this story... i adore it and think you're an incredibly talented author(ess). the originality of this story is its true appeal. I cant wait for an update - hopefully there will be one next time i'm online!!
Name: phae reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 24, 2006 12:08 pm
I know you're inspired to work on the "Breaking His Heart" story these days, but I do hope you will feel some inclination to turn to this one soon. It's very good and it's hung up over quite the cliff. Cheers!
Name: spider reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 22, 2006 07:07 pm
I can't believe it!!!! I can't believe it at all!!!! I've been hanging on desperately these last few chapters, believing that there must be some ulterior motive. That Ginny must not really be with someone else, that there had to be something else going on. But I can't see any other way out. She really did use Draco and go off with someone else only to die. And I'm trying to be hopeful and optimistic, but I can't believe it!!! I don't even know what to say, actually. I feel just as shocked as Draco must. As much as I'd like to see them reunited, even though they're both with other people, the prospect of him seeing her again after she used him and ran out on him, only for her to die in front of him is pretty...sad. A lame word, I know, but I'm sort of flabbergasted right now.
Name: DuchessYappingDog reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 16, 2006 07:59 am
"And a pinch of angst"??? I don't think that you should be allowed to say that! Unless I am extremely sadistic and find Draco's depression funny, I would say that the story of VERY angsty. I like the story this way though. Not many good Draco/Ginny angst stories as of late. Sigh. I need to find better stories to read while my favorites are in the process of updating.
Name: Shattered_Dreams reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 15, 2006 10:03 pm
Aw poor poor Draco! I think this is honestly the first fic where I've really wanted to kick Ginny or something! You're doing a great job with this though! The sign of anything good is that it evokes strong emotion... and i'm seriously pissed (in the American sense) at Ginny right now!
Name: missa reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 15, 2006 07:32 am
GAH! ok you have me hook line and sinker... more please!
Name: WG reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 06, 2006 11:56 am
Who is the 'she' who is calling Draco 'honey' & 'sweetheart'?

Can't wait for the next update... Brilliant work so far...
Name: impressed reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 05, 2006 07:35 pm
*looks bug eyed* Wow, that was AMAZING!!! I can already anticipate part of the end of your story, but you've probly figured it out by now so don't let me bother you!:)
Name: Shriya reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 03, 2006 05:26 pm
I love where this story was going- I though it was winding down, but there are all these new threads. The Death Eating world you've presented has so many avenues to explore. Excited for the next chapter! (and i might be the only one, but i kind of like christo chervenko's schemes and plots. he kind of reminds me of draco in that way. ^-^)

Author's Response: Me too. I think Christo's a lot like Draco, and he's one of the few wizards around who can give Draco a run for his money. As far as I know, we're the only two thinking along those lines. Everyone else would like to strike him down in cold blood! -fallenwitch
Name: Padfootedmoony reviewed Balls of Steel on Apr 01, 2006 01:28 pm
Oh wow! Keep up the good work. I love this fic.
Name: Yemeron reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 31, 2006 10:14 pm
I hardly ever say this, but poor Draco! Ginny and Christo just used him all up, huh? That's f**ked up, but very intriguing. I knew there was an explanation for Ginny's marriage in the last chapter, but DAMN! Can't wait for the next one.
Name: OOOoooo reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 31, 2006 05:51 pm
Dammm - more please!
Name: Megan reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 31, 2006 05:43 pm
I love this story... it helps that you're such a quick updater! ;) I love the idea of Draco's mysterious girlfriend... at first, I entertained for a moment that it might be Bella, but the sweethearts started getting to me, lol.
Name: DuchessYappingDog reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 31, 2006 04:32 pm
Aghhhhhhh! I'm so disappointed in Ginny. Sigh. And who is that lady that Draco is sleeping with?? He better not be married. I'm guessing that this story won't have a happy ending. Sigh. I mean, she's already married. Blah, to that butthole.
Name: Leah reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 31, 2006 01:06 pm
This is an incredible story!'s so heartbreaking...poor actually makes one despise Ginny...although everything she did was for the side of "Good." If you can call widespread massacre and bloodshed "good." The really amazing thing you've managed to do is question that assumption - was Ginny's choice really the right one? Were Chervenko and Ginny freedom fighters or terrorists? It's hard to tell what kind of society and government Europe is under in your story, so who's to say whether the rebels were noble, or whether they were crazed, bloodthirsty zealots out for revenge? Extremely intriguing. I've never encountered another story that managed to flip our assumptions of the "Good" and "Evil" (within the world of Harry Potter) so dramatically as you have. It's excellent. The character development, plot, all - are beautiful. Please continue!
Name: Scanty Slytherin reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 30, 2006 03:11 pm
Interesting. lol. Who kept telling him to come back to bed? does draco have a gf or something?? he's prolly gonna save her isnt he? yea.. lol keep updating!!
Name: Nice reviewed Balls of Steel on Mar 29, 2006 01:04 pm
So... it's safe to assume that Draco WILL follow through and help, right? Ya know regardless of the last paragraph. So who is this he's with? And that was quite the chapter, looking forward to upcoming one. ONE.
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