Name: Annele reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 19, 2005 03:37 am
WOW!I realy like it!It s very interesting.I can' t wait for more!Please update soon!
Name: Andrea reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 18, 2005 07:50 am
Wow amazing chapter! You had me going like "uh" and closing my eyes with every question Blaise made or every new thing he implied...he seems harmless enough to me but I'm not sure great things would come in case he found out Ginny's past. And what has Malfoy feeling so territorial about her? other than the fact that he sorta kinda does own her of course? So many questions so little time...please update soon so I may stop wondering? LOL
Name: spider reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 17, 2005 01:16 pm
Wow, I really like where this is going so far. You've taken an idea that a lot of people have tried on, and have made it your own. I really like the flashbacks - I'm dying to know what's happened to Ginny. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Name: Marcia reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 14, 2005 09:26 pm
Well done! You've a knack for hooking the reader early with interesting and mysterious plots. Good job! Thank you.
Name: Myanceris reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 14, 2005 08:47 am
I must admit to a little scepticism upon reading the first chapter of this fic because for a start I couldn't understand (and still can't) what is going on re: Good Vs Bad. However the more I read of this fic the more it's sucking me in. I like the unusual angle of having Draco's life bound to Ginny's health and wellbeing, it's a nice touch that seems as though it shouldn't really work but does quite nicely. I am dreadfully confused about who won the war and how, if Ginny killed a load of DE's, then was sheltered by a member of the OotP, how she came to be passed around the DE circuit (since it seems that she was in the custody of some very unpleasant people - assuming I read your allusion to rape correctly). So other than being REALLY confused, I am really taking to this fic and look forward to your chapters.

Author's Response: I appreciate your skepticism. The distinctions you speak of were purposely blurred. My intention was to lay that out (and let readers infer what they wanted to) before shoving it to the back burner to percolate while exploring the developing relationship between D&G. I plan to haul it back out and tie in all together later in the fic. -fallenwitch
Name: dramaticallyxxlor reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 14, 2005 02:57 am
Ahh!! I love this fanfic so far, and Ginny is a teeny tiny little bit annoying though! Although, under such circumstances I suppose she would defer to Draco now wouldn't she? I love love love Blaise and I can't wait for more, hopefully Gin will regrow a spin in the coming chapters?!
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 13, 2005 01:43 pm
Can I just say how happy I was to see this update? I love the way this story is being developed, especially the realtionship between Draco and Ginny, which I think is being written fabulously. I really like the way you mix Draco's previous feelings on Ginny with his present ones. Well done, yet again!
Name: runescarlet reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 13, 2005 01:14 pm
100 points to your house (whichever it is) for ORIGINALITY. This is a nice twist on D/G, and well written so far - especially the choice to switch back and forth from the time they met to the present (keeps me interested and hopeful). :)
Name: Glass_Mermaid reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 13, 2005 10:35 am
I like this story. It makes me happy in my little heart of hearts. I did feel that this chapter was a bit rushed, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. *sigh* I love your Nurse!Draco...

Author's Response: It makes your happy? Wonderful - because that makes me happy! Rushed? Oh, my. That's because I tend to write the way I speak - concise to the point of obscuring clarity. I have taken your constructive remark to heart and tried to NOT do that with Chapter 4. Still, I am ruthless at editing... -fallenwitch
Name: starry_laa reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 13, 2005 09:49 am
Hey there, Would just like to say I'm really enjoying your story at the moment. Both Ginny and Draco are portrayed brilliantly, and I quite like Draco's protectiveness of Ginny. I also quite like Blaise, he seems quite amusing! I do hope his attitude towards Ginny is honourable though! Really looking forward to an update soon, if not Merry Christmas!
Name: Icyrose reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 13, 2005 09:16 am
Just started reading this fic and I can't get enough. Love the character development and can't wait to see jealousy ensue. I love this fic, I hope you don’t take this as a negative criticism but are you going to give Ginny any Fire? I know that this story calls for her to be submissive but don’t you just love having Ginny and Draco toe to toe. Well can’t wait for more.
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 12, 2005 07:16 pm
Woohoo for updates!! This was great and I liked that Ginny got to play. Blaise will definitly add a nice dynamic to the story. I also liked the unresolved tension you have going on between Draco and Ginny. Keep up the good work and can't wait to see an update again!!! xoxo
Name: meeaz reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 12, 2005 04:02 pm
i'm loving the new developments in the story as it goes on, like the fact that draco cares for gin, at least, out of some obligation, and how he admits he needs her. more soon, please!!!
Name: Embellished reviewed Hullo Up There, Beautiful! on Dec 12, 2005 03:16 pm
It looks like Blaise is going to add an interesting dimension to the story. I loved the line about Draco not owning Ginny. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Name: Andrea reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 12, 2005 11:33 am
I really liked the beginning of your story, I think it has everything to become a new D/G classic! Please update ; )
Name: smprsgrrl reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 10, 2005 02:14 am
This is an excellent start! I'm really looking forward to the next entry!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I am a great admirer of your writing. -fallenwitch
Name: Shattered_Dreams reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 07, 2005 10:29 pm
I'll be here to read your next chapter most certainly. This is shaping up to be a great plot line. I hope you decide to stick with it.

Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, I plan to take this one to the end. -fallenwitch

Author's Response: Thank you. Yes, I plan to take this one to the end. -fallenwitch
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 07, 2005 03:41 pm
You are quite the tease aren't you? Hinting at what has happened to Ginny with very little explanation. At least she's with someone who is willing to take care of her (even if it is out of fear for his life). I can't wait to see how everything plays out. I'm very excited for the next chapter already :)

Author's Response: Hi Rainpuddle. If I told you everything up front, where would the fun be in that? Thank you for review. I hope you like chapter 3! -fallenwitch
Name: Aurinko reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 07, 2005 03:21 pm
Wow. This is different--and potentially very, very dark. It makes you wonder (and fear) what happened, but also has a sort of hopefulness about it that had better not be deceiving. And this contract thing is very intriguing. 1.) I look forward (truly) to seeing where you're taking this. 2.) Will never tell anyone about this fic. and 3.) Wonder why you haven't written me in weeks. Much love from the kid who's actually old enough to read this fic, scary as that is. (If you'd prefer I didn't, I won't.)

Author's Response: Hey Aurinko! Aren't you suppose to have your nose in a book somewhere studying for finals? Hmmm... 1) Only you would think that my hopefulness could be deceiving. 2) I think it's going to a fun ride so come along. 3) You are welcome to read any and all of my fics. You know that. Please see my email for more details. -fallenwitch
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 07, 2005 09:23 am
Quidditch is always fun...and having others attracted to our little Ginny. I'm excited to see how their relationship develops and the intricacies of the post-war world you've thought up. Also, I'm interested to hear what exactly happened to Ginny to bring her in such dire straights to Draco. Good Job and I don't know if I can wait a week for the next part!!!

Author's Response: Our minds seems to be working in sync. Yep, you're asking all the right questions. I hope the next update helps! -fallenwitch
Name: Elle Blessingway reviewed Leave Me The Fuck Alone on Dec 07, 2005 09:13 am
My attention is grabbed and I will eagerly be awaiting more...good job!
Name: Glass_Mermaid reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 06, 2005 11:15 am
Intriguing. I'm most definitely intrigued.

Author's Response: Thank you. I hope you stay intrigued. -fallenwitch
Name: daisymama reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 06, 2005 04:24 am
Love that you threw Blaise and Quidditch in there. (I don't know what it is, but I have a thing for post Hogwarts stories that have Quidditch in 'em - maybe it's because we all know how hot Draco would be his little Quidditch pants!) I also like how it got Ginny out of her shell a little. Can't wait for the next chapter! I am so interested to see how their world is.....doesn't seem all death and darkness. Hmmmmmm..........

Author's Response: Hey daisymama! No, it's not all death and darkness. There's alot of snarky humor and outrageous testosterone levels running around as well. Thanks for your review. I loved it! -fallenwitch

Author's Response: Hey daisymama! No, it's not all death and darkness. There's alot of snarky humor and outrageous testosterone levels running around as well. Thanks for your review. I loved it! -fallenwitch
Name: Embellished reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 06, 2005 01:49 am
So Ginny is starting to come back to life. I bet she is going to start making Draco's life very interesting. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Name: Ada Achlys reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Dec 05, 2005 07:18 pm
Another great chapter! I love the hint of humor over whether or not Draco is too old to play Quidditch -- his characterization in this fic is great. And it makes me happy every time he catches the snitch. I'm looking forward to your next chapter -- can't wait to hear Ginny talk more!

Author's Response: Glad to hear you approve of Draco's characterization so far. Yes, we will be hearing more from Ginny as the fic rolls on! Thanks for your review! -fallenwitch
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