Reviews For Starts With A Lie
Name: Liz reviewed Simply Divine on Jan 14, 2006 09:54 am
I like it a lot! Update soon!
Name: cassie reviewed Simply Divine on Jan 14, 2006 06:27 am
oooh can't help it. a typo. i meant LEX/lionel. not les/lionel. hotdamn.
Name: cassie reviewed Simply Divine on Jan 14, 2006 06:25 am
hahaha i just got off watching several episodes of smallville and lex luthor (michael rosenbaum (sp?)) still lingers in my head. the whole les/lionel thing reminds me of fandom!draco/fandom!lucius. heehee this chapter kinda got me confused. but i still await for more. it was kind of fun to read too. :D

Author's Response: I'm totally confused now. I haven't even introduced Lucius to the story yet! But uh, thanks anyways. (Lex/Lionel DO remind me of Draco/Lucius though, I know exactly what you mean)
Name: Embellished reviewed Simply Divine on Jan 14, 2006 05:17 am
This story seems like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next (and what happens when Draco figures out who Ginny is!). One thing is a little confusing to me, though. Ostensibly, Ginny is putting on the act so she can figure out what Draco is trying to get, but isn't that fairly obvious? Am I missing something? Or is Ginny just not being entirely honest with herself?

Author's Response: Thanks! How are you so sure that he does figure out, hm? :p

Ginny is trying to figure out what he's up to, but yes, she's not being entirely honest with herself. She can tell Draco is trying to woo her, but she's convinced there has to be a reason other than mere sexual attraction behind it. There's more to it, but I can't tell you or it'll ruin the story, sorry!  
Name: Lottie reviewed Simply Divine on Jan 13, 2006 07:47 pm
Lol! So how long will it take Draco to figure out that this is Ginny not Jenny....or has he already?

Author's Response: Hmm...
Name: Nice reviewed Retribution on Jan 10, 2006 06:28 am
i like where it's headed.  it should make for a wonderful and interesting read.
Name: eli reviewed Retribution on Jan 09, 2006 08:33 am
I love this story already. Please update soon!
Name: emvee reviewed Retribution on Jan 09, 2006 03:13 am
ok, where's the rest?!?!?! lot's of potential, a good beginning plot twist and a wonderful starting point. can't wait for the next chapter. keep going!
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Retribution on Jan 08, 2006 06:52 pm
Hmm...interesting.  I'll wait to see how it unfolds.
Name: Lottie reviewed Retribution on Jan 08, 2006 05:21 pm
Wow! She's going to cause some trouble!  I love it!
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