Reviews For Why Me
Name: Little_miss_samantha18 reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 09, 2008 03:48 pm
ugh more please... its good... it goes along spendidly until there is no more chapters.
Name: shadieladie reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 26, 2006 04:31 am
hu! interesting

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing. I hope you like how it all unfolds.
Name: Kisou reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 25, 2006 09:14 pm
No. You are not pacing it too slowly. You doing wonderful. With most plots (like yours) we don't even want the to imagine what it would be like to get along until at least chapter three (and your chapters are short), if not until much later than that. Ginny and Draco are enemies when almost all fics start, so they should act accordingly. Don't let people tell you that Ginny is really evil like and they can immediately hit it off. Nine times out of ten that spells disaster. And it means whoever you're talking here is looking for smut and not for a plot or anything else worthwhile.

Oh, and if you haven't go a beta yet, I'd be willing to beta for you. My email is

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I would love to have you BETA for me. I will email you. Thanks for taking the time to review. I am hoping the plot will keep everyone interested. I do promise the chapters get longer as well. Thanks again for the wonderful review.
Name: razzle_be_dazzled reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 25, 2006 12:23 pm
Great start! Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks. I am so excited that the fic seems to interest people! I appreciate you taking the time to review and hope you check back for the next chapter- should be posted within the next few days.
Name: sam reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 25, 2006 12:16 pm
keep on riting!!!

Author's Response: Thanks for taking the time to review. It means a lot to me!
Name: moerae reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 25, 2006 11:46 am
Original plot line; it will be interesting to see where this is going! There are just a couple of spelling mistakes that I noticed, just small ones, "definatly" instead of definitely. Perhaps a beta reader might be useful?

Author's Response: Thanks. I am trying to find a BETA right now. I hope the spelling mistakes didn't take away from the story. Again thanks for reviewing and I'll try better with the spelling!
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