Name: PenelopeWeasley reviewed Happy Birthday To You! on Feb 28, 2006 10:16 am
Great story. Can't wait to read what happens next! Update soon, the suspense is killing me!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Happy Birthday To You! on Feb 25, 2006 04:02 pm
It was great! What a wonderful present for Draco! And the relationship between the girls... I really liked that. I can't wait for the next chapter! My guess is that it's Narcissa.... but I can wait to see if I'm right! ;)
Name: Kisou reviewed Happy Birthday To You! on Feb 22, 2006 02:10 pm
I really like this. The guitar was great, though I am slightly surprised that Ginny tells Sarah things so quickly. It seems like she might have learned better from the whole diary experience, but then again, we've seen (from the same thing) that she's easily susceptible to confidences. It's a little bit less than normal Ginny, but you stuck with it, and it's a plausible characterization. So...Good job.

By the way, I hope you weren't disheartened at all by my review just before. That was a little thing, but it just squicked me. All writing has things like that, and I do the exact same thing when reading published novels.

Author's Response: Hola! Nope, I wasn't disheartened at all your reviews. You're making this into a challenge for me actually! I feel the same way you do about some of the stuff I read. Though, I am glad you are indeed liking my story and I do hope you continue to enjoy. -Jenn :)-
Name: Kisou reviewed Happy Birthday To You! on Feb 22, 2006 11:07 am
"I thought we were friends, Ginny." (Pasted from the very first) No, just please no...That's just too cliche, it ruins any scene that had cute potential without it.
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Happy Birthday To You! on Feb 21, 2006 05:13 pm
Oh no! Please don't let it be Lucius!!!

::Shoots self if it is::
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