Reviews For Clocks
Name: shaded reviewed Alright on Apr 25, 2009 03:02 pm
I'm re-reading this story for the umpteenth time; I really like the part where Draco realises that Ginny was trying to comfort him, not pity him, upon seeing Ginny and her mother. It's really a scene that sticks in my memory. :)
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Alright on Aug 01, 2006 01:39 pm
~OMG...they have no money.~
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Alright on Mar 06, 2006 08:41 am
Oh no! Don't hide Draco! It's not nice and it makes forming a relationship so much harder!

Author's Response: Silly boy!
Name: Funnykido reviewed Alright on Mar 05, 2006 06:59 am
This story just gets better every chapter. I like how the affection between them grows gradually, how you can actually see the progression.

Author's Response: Glad you appreciate a slow burn. Cuz that's what it is, baby.
Name: Funnykido reviewed Alright on Mar 05, 2006 06:59 am
This story just gets better every chapter. I like how the affection between them grows gradually, how you can actually see the progression.
Name: Judibry reviewed Alright on Mar 05, 2006 02:58 am
Very well written fic with an interesting plot. It's believable in cannon. Thank you for the quick updates too.

Author's Response: I try to stay as true to cannon as possible - if necessary I consult the HP Lexicon frequently while I write. And thanks!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 06:41 pm
This Draco is very conon-like. I really like that about your writing. He's not all mushy and "Oh, I love you Ginny!" he's more like he really would be (though I secrretly hope he pines after Ginny in canon too) and I think that's a pretty hard thing to get right! Well done! Can't wait for more. Do you have the whole fic written already or are you writing as we go?

Author's Response: Thanks - I'm writing as I go - so that explains the spurts.
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:59 pm
Okay, okay, a lot happened in this chapter, but my heart was drawn to those last two scenes. When he called her mother to comfort her instead of doing it himself ... my heart broke ... for both of them. Thanks for the lovely update! -fallenwitch

Author's Response: Those were my favorites too - there's a sort of continuation on that in the next chapter. Heartbreaking! Thanks for the review!
Name: Meg reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:56 pm
Oh, wow! Great chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: corvidae reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:52 pm
i'm really into this fic, i can't wait for ginny and dracos relationship to really develop! thanks for the lovely chapters so far and for using pacing, theres nothing worse than breaking character completely and having people just jump into eachothers arms. i can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: As much as they do want to jump into each others' arms - they know they shouldn't... Thanks for the review!
Name: corvidae reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:52 pm
i'm really into this fic, i can't wait for ginny and dracos relationship to really develop! thanks for the lovely chapters so far and for using pacing, theres nothing worse than breaking character completely and having people just jump into eachothers arms. i can't wait for the next chapter!
Name: Embellished reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:37 pm
Your chapters are so short that I hardly get a sense of anything with each one. But now that I have read several of them, you are really drawing me in. I'm starting to get the impression of Draco and Ginny as complex people. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of your story. And I am really starting to wonder what the title means!

Author's Response: Thanks very much. The title of the story comes from the song that inspired it - Clocks by Coldplay. I love the song and I want to try to incorporate a bit of that into the story sometime. Home... Home... where I wanted to go......
Name: shadieladie reviewed Alright on Mar 04, 2006 05:25 pm
so did he make the oath to Ginny or Hr

Author's Response: He made the Oath and focused it on Ginny.
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