Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 11 on Oct 26, 2008 08:27 pm
Omg, it's crazy how much I can relate to Ginny in this chapter. How she's feeling about her family, I mean.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 11 on Sep 09, 2006 03:03 pm
~They are together, they are together **does happy dance**~
Name: corvidae reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 30, 2006 12:02 am
i didn't want to leave comments on all the chapters but oh how i wanted to at times! certain lines are really, really funny and i do appreciate the good humor. as a whole, this story is just great because it's got a plot, its really well written, and it's fantastically in character(...although granted a few out of character twists were added but totally necessary) i LOVE when people make draco nasty, because he IS! i love that you've taken so much time and care in laying down the groundwork for whats happening so it seems believable and i love how, once again, well written, and saucy and funny this is. i hope for my sake that youll continue this fic, updating often! thanks for it so far. *-*

Author's Response: Yes, Draco is nasty, and I really don't see why people feel the need to make him into a mushy romantic, in fic - he's just the way he should be when he's a brat *g* And I think they fit each other really well, because of that; Ginny is no delicate little thing, after all :) I'm so glad you're liking it so far, and I love the review! Thank you!
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 08:24 pm
Reasons I love your story (and more and more every day):

1. Its well written
2. Its actually a fairly unique idea
3. You are keeping to canon and particularly ackowledging the events of HBP
4. Draco is in character
5. Its really well written
6. Its hawt!
7. Its realistic - the pace, reactions, dialogue etc
8. You update regularly


Author's Response: #3 was especially important to me - I'm happy so many people seem to think that I was successful :) Thank you for the review, you make me a really happy writer :)
Name: mo reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 02:49 pm
awwwwww now it starts,plzz update with more!

Author's Response: *g* Yes, now it starts. Update will be soon!
Name: Corra reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 11:57 am
Alright...I have to tell you this: I freakin' love this story. I spent a while ignoring it for some reason or another (I'm very picky about which stories I read, actually) and then I was just like, well, what the hell. I was then completely blown away. I have even started coming to everyday (which isnt new, actually, lol) JUST to check if there is an update. And I'll even read your update first; before the update of KCotDT. Every chapter has been phenomenal, and the one-liners crack me up ("Oh, there will be sex, too. Just so we're clear on that."), the characterizations are perfect - not to OOC, but not too in character either; they are older, after all. So yea, I normally don't review until the very last chapter is posted (and then its a massive one...) but I just wanted to let you know that you had BETTER not give up on this story. EVER! I will cry...GAH! I can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm actually the same - I'm fairly picky about D/G fic too. So I'm happy you feel this one is worthwhile :) I love writing their banter. It comes so easily, it almost writes itself. Of course, it's difficult to judge, as a writer, if you're really succeeding in making it funny - glad you like the humour as it is :) My goal was to write an older, more mature D/G (especially Draco - he can still be bratty, but Azkaban has left its imprint on him); I do try to stick to canon, though. And you liked it! Yay! I appreciate that you took the time to review, against your own review policy *g* and I hope the rest of it will live up to your expectations. Thanks again!
Name: Jacquie reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 10:25 am
eehehe!! Grand stuff, this!! Keep it up - I can't wait for the next chapter!!

Author's Response: *g* Thank you!
Name: Dooki reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 08:22 am
Awesome chapter! Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: adorame reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 08:08 am
I was so glad to see that this was updated. I love the story so far you'r doing a grate job moving it along. Thanks again for updating!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll do my best to update often.
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 07:06 am
I really really really dislike Ron a lot in most of these fanfics that I've been reading. The sad thing is that I'm pretty sure that he would be like that in the books too if Malfoy and Ginny got together.

Pity the closed-minded...

Author's Response: Well, can he react any other way? This must be a huge shock for him, after he's hated Malfoy for so long, plus, he never liked Ginny having boyfriends (except Harry). He's a protective older brother :) That doesn't make him a bad person, quite the opposite, I thought.
Name: beckysue2 reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 06:45 am
I like this a lot! This is how I imagine the books ending and if it ever went on afterwards. Great job so far!

Author's Response: Thanks, that's a very nice thing to hear, for a fanfic writer :)
Name: randomosity reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 04:07 am
Can I just kill the Golden Trio now? Go, Ginny, stand up for yourself, even if Malfoy has less than the most honorable intentions. Thank you for writing both Ginny and Malfoy the way you do. I look forward to the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank *you* for reviewing! I look forward to writing more, and I'm happy you like it!
Name: Maelyn reviewed Chapter 11 on Mar 29, 2006 02:17 am
I really like this. I dont really want either of them to get hurt, but they are both too stubborn so I know it is bound to happen...

Author's Response: :) Well, that's how relationships go - hurt and happiness take turns, really. D/G are two stubborn people, yes, so their relationship will be rocky for a while yet. And I do enjoy making them overcome obstacles. *g* Thank you for reviewing, I hope you'll like the plot as it unfolds.
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