Reviews For Drug Of Choice
Name: peabody reviewed A Typical Day on May 20, 2012 09:16 am
A total long shot but I really hope that you update this story. It's so great and it has SO much potential! Great work!
Name: jess10 reviewed A Typical Day on Mar 10, 2008 10:58 pm
Anxiously awaiting an update!
Name: Hiddenangel reviewed A Typical Day on Dec 16, 2007 10:35 am
This is the second time I have read this and I find it very interesting...please update soon!!
Name: Hiddenangel reviewed A Typical Day on Dec 16, 2007 10:34 am
This is the second time I have read this and I find it very interesting...please update soon!!
Name: rockmysocks8687 reviewed A Typical Day on Jan 27, 2007 07:51 pm
I'm so glad you updated this story. I love the characterization of both Ginny and Draco. Please don't leave us readers hanging so long for the next update.

Author's Response: I’m glad I updated as well. Thank you so very much! I truly do hate leaving you all hanging like that, but I currently do not have a Beta and my muse has left me. I hope to have the next chapter up soon. Thanks a bunch for your review! Hopefully you wont have to wait so long next time! :)
Name: meg reviewed A Typical Day on May 28, 2006 08:25 pm
I don't mean for this to sound rude, but you should concider a Beta. I read the first chapter and enjoyed it. However 10 lines into the second chapter I couldn't read it anymore due to all the spelling mistakes and gramatical errors. So, I just wanted to mention that your story seems promising but you should pay more attention to the details if you want people to read it.

Author's Response: Thank you very much for pointing that out to me. I looked over chapter two and I must agree with you. I’ll get to work on that as soon as possible. Thanks again!
Name: cassie reviewed A Typical Day on Mar 29, 2006 02:57 am
oooh this is interesting. i wonder how ginny will fit into this. hmm... :D

Author's Response: Thanks! She’s on her way and gives Draco a little surprise.
Name: Nectaris reviewed A Typical Day on Mar 28, 2006 02:29 pm
Good so far! Please keep it up. Blaise is such a playboy. Interesting twist by the way, in most of the one's I've read, Draco doesn't get the mark. Waiting anxiously for the next!

Author's Response: Thank you! Blaise does get up to some stuff that he shouldn’t but its all the more fun that way! ^_^
Name: Maelyn reviewed A Typical Day on Mar 28, 2006 02:11 pm
I was so glad to see a new story! It looks interesting and I like what you have done- updating the wizarding world postwar into the modern muggle world. I think it works well. Please update soon! I am in need of some D/G goodness!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I thought the Wizarding world could use a bit of an update too!
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