Reviews For Drug Of Choice
Name: spider reviewed Dinner With Narcissa on May 26, 2006 03:17 pm
Oh, the last lines definitely made the chapter. Ah! Beginnings! But I'd better shut up before I start going on any longer. Wonderful, wonderful chapter, though. I love Amy, and the image that Ginny saw of Draco holding her was definitely one that I could imagine enjoying as well.

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! I must say that I was unsure about the last line, but so far people seem to like it! Amy does bring out the cuteness in Draco, doesn’t she? :D
Name: top_witch reviewed Dinner With Narcissa on May 25, 2006 02:55 pm
I really like this story and can't wait to see what happens next. I am getting the feeling that EVERYONE is plotting to get Draco and Ginny together. Lisa with leaving Amber/Amy with Draco for the weekend and Bill leaving Andy with Gin so that they can meet in the park. Blaise and Lisa with their heads together while Draco was packing Amber's things. Doris setting them up through Witch Weekly. Everyone just seems to be plotting. And who is the mystery girl "Tammy Eggelstein"?

Update soon!!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review! You are indeed a thinker! You're doing a fantastic job at guessing, but your not quite there yet. Good job on picking up my obvious and not so obvious clues. There are more in there though, keep looking! :D
Name: Phaedra7veils reviewed Dinner With Narcissa on May 25, 2006 09:31 am
What a wonderful revelation of character in the last two phrases! I'm glad to see that Ginny's finally putting a few little hairline cracks that hard, hard shell of Draco's. Well done.

Author's Response: Thank you! I’m happy you like the end, I was considering changing it but I think it works out for the best in the end. Draco definitely does have a hard shell. Lets see how much farther Ginny can get!
Name: Experience My Dreams reviewed Dinner With Narcissa on May 25, 2006 06:55 am
Wonderful!! Very sweet!! I love it!!

Author's Response: Thank you! I hope to keep the wonderfulness going into the next chapter!
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