Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Draconus324 reviewed 5. The willing bride on May 06, 2010 10:56 pm
as to your notes on the chaper "the willing bride"
the context of the white flower spell might be off. im not 80% sure in that order is reads as wing flower
as alba means both wing and white.
ex..... "alba albas" is read as white wings
Name: Tatiana reviewed 5. The willing bride on Mar 22, 2010 09:35 pm
I love this story. I think it is my favorite D/G fic of all time. This story got me hooked on the genre, and even though it's not printed or anysuch thing, I'd even go so far as to say it's one of my favorite books of all time. Thanks for coming back to finish it.
Name: unseensorrows reviewed 5. The willing bride on Dec 22, 2009 10:07 pm
"They settled for Rivendell (1), the city once inadvertently discovered by a Muggle named Tolkien. The elven city had a number of pavilions spread out throughout the forest, and the elves gladly..."

I was grinning like a man-woman when I read this. Tolkien FTW! :D
Name: emenem10 reviewed 5. The willing bride on Oct 10, 2007 11:00 am
Hey, just a comment about your Latin. I know you gave a shout in the beginning of your story that you would improve. I don't mean to be picky... But for future reference: "Tela subrideo" cloth is a thing, so it is 3rd person singular. Your verb ending would change then. Instead of "subrideo" you should have "subridet." At least, I'm pretty sure. I can't seem to remember or find the parts of the verb in either my book or the web that I need to back up my statement. Oh, no wait, here. Yeah, that’s right.
Fabulous story though!! I really enjoy the different important parts. Your foreshadowing and your intensely woven and planned plot make my head spin! This is worth my many, many reads. I can't remember if I've reviewed your story before. If not, I am ever so sorry! I try, I really do. But as you probably know, there just aren't enough hours in a day. =) ~Emily
Name: kaitlen reviewed 5. The willing bride on May 12, 2007 05:27 pm
Name: FrecklesForever reviewed 5. The willing bride on Apr 16, 2007 08:27 pm
I love this so far! I have to go to bed cause it's a school night and it's 1:30am. Love it! Your writing is amazing!
Name: Akt5us reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 21, 2006 09:04 am
I love the story! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Name: ellie reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 17, 2006 03:07 am
this is AMAZING
i really like how you brought them together and i kept getting worried
that ginny was going to slip up
*way too involved*...
well done, i guess
it very well is vvv fabby.
Name: That Iz I reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 07:37 pm
I loved your story. Absolutely phenomenal. Ginny's gracious plan (if it's the plan I think it is) might just backfire if she keeps going at the rate she is. Ahh, the webs we weave for life. Though, I'm still curious to see what exactly is Ginny's plan. I'm leaning towards plan a): To break Draco's heart and find information out of him. Making him into the fool on the king's court. Or to do all of the above, just without the public humiliation. Ginny will just pretend to be the innocent, angelic, devoted wife? I think not. Thannnxxx

Love for Eternity
Name: WG reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 12:38 pm
Poor Ginny...
Name: ronlover reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 12:18 pm
I really liked this chapter. Please Update soon. Good work!!!
Name: Hajra reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 12:01 pm
I'm really enjoying this story so far! I can't wait to read more...
Name: Moonyk reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 02:10 am
That's right, Ginny thought angrily. And I have your family to blame for it.

OH MAN. Ive been following your story and so, is Ginny only agreeing to marry Malfoy so she can take revenge?!

Author's Response: Uhu, that's right! >:] But can anyone resist Draco's charm ad vitam aeternam? mwahhahhahaaa (thanks for the review!!!)
Name: angel_girl reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 16, 2006 12:28 am
hii! it is great ur fic u have to continue i am so eager to read the rest. please update soon . thanks.
Name: Marcia reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 15, 2006 09:11 pm
I love this world you've drawn. A little frightening to think about the revenge Ginny must be plotting.

Author's Response: It is, isn't it. We're lucky she wouldn't risk going to Azkaban just to get back at him. Oh wait... Wouldn't she? Thank you for taking the time to review :)
Name: Mollie reviewed 5. The willing bride on Jul 15, 2006 07:31 pm
Very good. I cannot wait to read more. Lets just hope that no one descovers that she is the Weasley's daughter until after the wedding and consummation and all of that sort of jazz. Good job and keep up the excellent work!

Author's Response: We should indeed hope that no one finds out before the wedding. Unfortunately, if they find out after, the implications will be greater, and not as easily reversible... Thank you for your review, it's always a pleasure to know what people are thinking!
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