Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: choravenclaw reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 10, 2009 06:20 am
This fic is going great, and i'm really liking it!
I loved how you put Brazil in here! (Yes, i'm brazilian!)
Fernando de Noronha was well spoken of, could have added forró to the restaurant, but it's not muggle, so it's ok. The beach does exist, it's beautiful and private, you have to walk through a vertical cave hole to get there, not walk as much as climb down and it's wonderful!

Brigadeiros are Brazilian treats made of sweetened condensed milk, butter and Nesquik. They are the most delicious, sugary, and fattening things ever invented by man.
We actually use Nescau, 4 tabblespoons for one of butter and a can, or tin if you wll of condensed milk, you mix it until it's thick and boiling and when you mix the spoon (you have to mix all the time until it's done) against the bottom of the pan the brigadeiro isn't glued to it, but getting out of thhe way so you can see the bottom.
It's truly delicious and if you want i can give you a delicious recipe for docinho de leite em pó, which is powder milk sweet if you wish to translate.

Anyway, great job with the fic!

Name: raven_dark reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on May 18, 2007 12:00 pm
Brigadeiro rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some... snif snif
Name: Xxfire_and_icexX reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jan 27, 2007 01:05 am
Haha, of course leave it to Hermione to think up a long name like that for an owl. It's a really good story though! And it seems like you thought everything out. Literally...
Name: ISAPISA reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Oct 30, 2006 11:51 am
This is such a great story i lvoe everything about it!! please please update now!! not soon, now! :P come on!!!! u know u want to!
Name: annonymous reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Oct 14, 2006 09:58 am
ahhh! I speak bengali!!! ;)

Author's Response: well, when I have her speak it, you'll be there to correct me! ;) (not that I would ever presume to making an attempt at a language that isn't long dead, like latin or greek...)
Name: Tess reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 15, 2006 08:19 am
I just wanted to point out some minor mistakes that u might have missed...

"He was growing to believe that this was his main reason for marrying her-that and, of course, the fact that she surrendered so willingly to his attempts at zeduction" - 'S' not 'Z'

Author's Response: LOL!! good point... I promise I know that's the correct spelling :D Thanks for pointing it out!
Name: Kim Zabini reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 03, 2006 11:46 pm
I am officially entranced by this story [: Very, very original and creative. Finally - something that sticks out! I am thoroughly addicted and am always excited when you update [: You have a lot of talent, and I hope to read more great things from you in the future :D Love it, love it, love it.

Author's Response: Oh wow... Thank you! Your review is very encouraging (it might push me out of my early D/G fiction retirement, planned at the end of this fic!) I'm glad you're enjoying this :) Stay tuned for more (hopefully coming up soon...)
Name: Embellished reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 03, 2006 08:24 am
The plot seems to be thickening. I like that we are starting to see more of different points of view--especially Draco's suspicion. I'm looking forward to seeing how everything plays out.

Author's Response: I find Draco's point of view hard to illustrate precisely because its strength lies in its secrecy. Hopefully I'm not butchering him too much. I'm glad to see the thickening of the plot keeps your intrigued. Thank you for your review :)
Name: That Iz I reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 01, 2006 06:53 pm
Ouch. Ginervra is revealing too much to Draco. Sooner or later he will realize who his wife truely is. I really thought she hit too close to home this time. Good on my behlaf, but bold on hers. Please update soon. Thanxxx

Author's Response: Unfortunately I don't think she wanted to hit that close to home... After all, she hadn't realized the day was almost over and her "beloved" husband would be back from work. What an error... Too bad Draco is going to push her until her gets her to make that final, revealing error! Thanks a lot for your review!
Name: CCC reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 01, 2006 08:30 am
Update soon. I can't believe that Draco was responsible for her families death.

Author's Response: I know, that sucks, doesn't it. Kind of explains why she'd go after him though...
Name: shs reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Aug 01, 2006 02:50 am
Another great chapter! Am extremely curious about Ginny and reaction (greed?) and of course how the plot will evolve in the future. Keep up the great work! Can't wait for the next update!!!

Author's Response: I thought that greed is not necessarily related to money. Being greedy of knowledge, of revenge? That's what I wanted to communicate. I apologize if I messed up. Thank you very much for the review. Hope you enjoy the rest!
Name: Anya reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 07:29 pm
Ok... First "Fernando de Noronha" (note spelling ;D ) then, "Brigadeiro trees"... You surely have met some Brazilian people around... Just the thought of "Brigadeiro trees" made my mouth water. And, hey! Did you know there's a way of making them using a microwave? My special secret recipe! ^^

Author's Response: No wayyyy... IN THE MICROWAVE? How much for that recipe??? (Not that spending a half-hour by the stove isn't a pain, but...) Shoot did I misspell Fernando de Noronha? You'd think that having been there I would know how to write it. My bad. :/
Name: ronlover reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 05:39 pm
UPDATE!!! Great chapter. Cant wait for more. =D

Author's Response: Thanks :) For this and all the previous reviews, thank you very much!
Name: Akt5us reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 05:12 pm
Loved the chapter! I just dying for Draco to catch on! You know way too much for your on good! lolz! With the 1,2,3,4! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Name: WG reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 04:46 pm
An update - O JOY!! Cant tell u how much i am enjoying our story... great writing and amazing pace.

Author's Response: Thank you :) I'm enjoying your reviews as well. Errr I hope to keep up the pace, since my beta is doubling in speed and I unfortunately have less time to write. (Maybe a few days for the next chapter?) Cheers!
Name: CaesiiOculi reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 04:43 pm
This story just keeps getting more and more intricate! I love it!
Would you mind if I used the "reperio" spell in my story? I'd most definitely cite you, of course!!

Author's Response: Please, go right ahead. I'm not even sure the spell's entirely mine (as in, I looked it up in the Latin dictionary, but I doubt I came up with the concept). Either way, feel free to take whichever spell you want. And thanks a lot for the (constant) review(s). They make my days happy!
Name: Moonyk reviewed 8. Kindling suspicion on Jul 31, 2006 03:59 pm
The owl has such a boootiful name though I'm not sure how to pronounce it. And urgh, Draco suspects something! I'm scared!!!

Author's Response: Trust Hermione to give her owl an outlandish name... What does Draco do when he suspects something? He spies. (Or gets people to spy for him. Hmmmm... Who could he put in charge of that...) I'm happy to see you're into this enough to be scared. Thank you for the review!
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