Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: erskie reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Apr 05, 2008 04:53 pm
The All Blacks perform a haka, not a dance- please don't get the two mixed up! A haka is a Maori war cry, designed to call the ancestors spirits up out of the ground into their bodies and prepare them from battle- as well as intimidate the other side.

other than that I love your story!! Its fantastic!
Name: PotterGirl07 reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Apr 21, 2007 06:04 pm
I really like this so far, but I'm curious... if Ginny was as angry with Malfoy as it seems at the end of this chapter, how is it that she brings herself to sleep with him? I'd like to see more of her thought process.
Name: Bosco reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Sep 17, 2006 05:42 pm
The All Blacks dance is a Maori warrior dance.

Author's Response: I had no idea, though it makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out. I learned from another reviewer that the names I had chosen for the players were utterly ridiculous and un New-Zealand-ish. Is that such a glaring reality?
Name: M reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 07, 2006 11:31 am
england doesn't not equal great britan, which is the name of the island housing the nations of wales, england and scotland.

but otherwise i am enjoying your story.

Author's Response: ah yes, I am aware of that though I tend to confused them. In French we use the terms interchangeably (though it is of course inaccurate), and I tend to do the same in English. I apologize. Thanks for the review/correction.
Name: Anya reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 04:25 pm
She is slipping. I can tell that.

And one thing I really like in this fic is the quantity of references. Shows that you have done your homework. ^^

You didn't answer my question in the other review: any Brazilian friends? How can you possibly know about brigadeiros? And more, how do you know how to make them? Puzzles me. I won't give my secret recipe if you keep me wondering. ^~

Author's Response: Eh? I thought I had responded... My bad. My baby-sitter was Brazilian, and the fact that she's become more like a sister to me definitely helped me get acquainted with Brazilian culture. She taught me how to make brigadeiros (though I have a hard time pronouncing the word). Thanks for the review. She is slipping, indeed... Faster and faster, in fact. As to references, research is something I like. Too much, perhaps... ;) [can I have the secret recipe now? pleeease]
Name: CaesiiOculi reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 08:06 am
*chuckles at "shouts of 'kill the kiwis'"*
As always, eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Author's Response: (don't know where that came from... I must have lacked some sleep to imagine such a terrible threat) Thanks for your review :) I hope not to keep you waiting (I hope to not keep you waiting... errr... whatever I mean)
Name: WG reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 07:27 am
Yet another brilliant installment...

*bows deeply*

Author's Response: thank you very much *bows even deeper*
Name: Akt5us reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 06:53 am
Love the chapter. Maybe it'll be Wood who confronts Ginny. Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: What would be in it for Wood? On the other hand, what would be in it for Draco to confront Wood? (hahahaaa... I can't keep my mouth shut, can I...) The next chapters might come out in a little bit, but they'll be worth it, I promise >:) (But why, oh why?) Thanks for your numerous reviews ;)
Name: ronlover reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 06:27 am
Great update. Cant wait to read more. Its going to be interesting where you take this story. Please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you very much. I'll do my best to be worthy of your expectations.
Name: That Iz I reviewed 9. Of ice and Wood on Aug 04, 2006 06:16 am
Oh, it's always a joy to read your work! Though, I can scarcely picture Padma Patil as Minister. I loved the emotion you displayed in your last…excerpt of the past, per say. The idea of wandless magic was a great tip-off for readers to feel her fury. Great job! Keep up the good work!
Thanxxx, Isabelle

Author's Response: Thank you :) I'm glad you enjoyed the wandless magic, though the idea is far from being original. As to Padma Patil, I figured she had the profile. A brilliant, determined witch that I just had to assume was pure-blood... The only problem was her age, but I figured it would be all the more commendable if she could go past this limit. Hopefully I can make her more believable, should she come up in the following chapters (note to self: validate Patil). Again, I appreciate the review, very, very much.
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