Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Tatiana reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Mar 22, 2010 09:49 pm
I really want to complement you in your use of the stylistic device of parallelism, zeugma and irony in the first section of the story (ok, now that my inner English freak is out, I'll stuff it back in the bag).
It really adds a dramatic flair to the beginning that really packs a whallop. Good choice. Reeeeeaaaallly good choice.
Name: unseensorrows reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Dec 23, 2009 03:45 pm
Yell-O-brik Road! Love it!
Name: jess reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on May 12, 2007 05:26 pm
awesome story. LOVE IT.
Name: Xxfire_and_icexX reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Jan 27, 2007 01:07 am
Haha I absolutely LOVE Nutella!! Wait, you are talking about the chocolate, right? If you are then, I love Nutella. Right now, though, I have to read the rest of your story tomarow since its already 4 am here... XP
Name: Lyndsie Fenele reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 22, 2006 06:23 am
Just wanted to drop a quick review to let you know how much I enjoy this story. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop...

Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying this, and thanks for taking the time to tell me you do :) (question: what does "the other shoe to drop" mean?")
Name: jarofseashells97 reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 21, 2006 05:31 pm
oh, they're getting along so well! i'm really dreading the moment of truth.

Author's Response: I'm delighted you are dreading that moment... (me too, as a matter of fact... no idea how it's going to happen) Thanks for reviewing :)
Name: Lauren reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 20, 2006 04:02 pm
Fantastic chapter, just thought I'd let you know. :) I'm happy about that heir, and I feel like you're teasing us with tiny details. :) Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thanks :) Of course I'm teasing you with tiny details, that's what makes it fun (if it is, fun, at all...). Thank you for reviewing, and figuring out way ahead there would be a baby Malfoy :D
Name: Tess reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 20, 2006 06:57 am
Himm... so Narcissa is going to kick the bucket sometime soon... the Q is: before or after the birth of her grandchild?

Author's Response: "kick the bucket"? does that mean die? it's not an expression i'm familiar with... well, we'll see about that ;)
Name: ronlover reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 19, 2006 07:55 am
Love it!!! Please update soon. Cant wait to read more! =D

Author's Response: Thanks! I just got the 13th chapter back, I have to get around to correcting/formatting it.
Name: ellie reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 19, 2006 05:26 am
ach, what next??
and what e x a c t l y is her plan?
she must have one, and something has to happen with Blaise Zabini now...
very good chapter though
can't wait for the next one...

Author's Response: her plan is to ruin Draco's reputation and, if possible, fortune (thanks to Hermione's economic plots). I'm sorry I haven't made that apparent (my personal, tragic flaw: I assume the reader knows everything I, as author, have in mind for the characters) As for Blaise, he's merely going to look for proof of her identity, and give Draco the information.
Name: Embellished reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 19, 2006 05:21 am
I think what I liked most about this chapter is that both Draco and Blaise are working against Ginny, but she is completely ignorant of it. And she really does seem to be getting more and more attached to Draco. The story continues to be very intriguing. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: You're very welcome :) I suppose you could say that in working against Ginny, Draco is working against himself, since they have grown increasingly attached to each other in the past chapters... Whenever the truth comes out, it's bound to destroy a number of things--ranging from their couple, to themselves.
Name: WG reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 19, 2006 04:34 am
So the Harpy Pox is contagious... if Narcissa has it, isn't it dangerous for her to be in the same mansion as Draco and Ginny?

Poor Ginny; tricked into getting pregnant... mann, she really has a total prick for a husband.

Loved the chapter - please do update soon.

When i asked u if u had written anything else in the last chapter… i mean anything at all... not just D/G stuff...
ur writing is so good i would love to read anything that u have written.

Author's Response: Good point... Maybe it's not at an advanced stage yet? Maybe the previous antidote can partially hinder the progress of the Pox... Calling Draco a prick in this case is particularly adequate, I'd say. Though you might want to remember that Ginny has been casting contraception spells without talking about it with Draco... I have written stuff, though most of it isn't fiction, essays, college assignments, etc. I'm afraid it's not worth much :( Though if ever I do write something good, I'll definitely notify you :D But thank you very, very much for the appreciation!
Name: juujuu reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 19, 2006 03:44 am
They're so cute together. But I can't imagine anything short of a trainwreck once Draco finds out Ginny is a Weasley. Can't wait.

Author's Response: They are, aren't they? (sigh) He'll be pissed, I'll tell you that much. But he's a Malfoy, remember? so whatever he does will be very well planned out, not harmful for his reputation, and vengeful. (You might have to wait for a few chapters though... Sorry, I'm slow...) Thank you for reviewing!
Name: Akt5us reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 08:31 pm
Love the chapter! I guess Draco just took them home in a fit of rage in the last chapter? I'm just dying to see what happens between Draco and Blasie when he tells Draco about Ginny!I wonder if Narcissa will die? Can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yeah... Sorry, there was no dramatic after match, fight, revenge, etc. (Because if sex with Draco is revenge, I'm up for it aaaanytime) More is coming up. Thanks for reviewing :D
Name: Moonyk reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 07:36 pm
"Birds fly over the rainbow. Why, then why can't I?"

What a coincidence that I happen to be listening to Somewhere over the Rainbow and there is the Yellow Brick Road from Wizard of Oz! Haha cool!

Damn damn shitty bang bang! Ginny's gonna get pregnant! GAH! Oh no oh no update soon!

Author's Response: Oh yes oh yes, she's in for the baby... I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks for reviewing!!
Name: Janie reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 06:40 pm
Ah, I seem to have fallen in love with this series and I check on it's updates everyday. I love how you portray Draco and Ginny. Their interaction is great and very charged and the way you write seems to suck me right in! I can't wait to see where things go from here!

-You ever faithful reader Janie :)

Author's Response: Try once a week, that way there are less chances you'll be disappointed :) I'm a slow writer... I'm glad you're satisfied with their interaction and portrayal, and hope to keep you intrigued until the end. Thanks for the review!!!
Name: That Iz I reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 06:26 pm
I'm sorry, in my last comment I meant to say "fine head", not "find head". That wouldn't be too good; at least for me and Dhaka. Speaking of which, when will Draco return the favor?
Something just dawned on me. Say Draco did see Harry kissing Ginny. What would happen? Could he possibly kill one that is already dead? *Laughs as thought* Although, he IS a Malfoy. We mustn’t forget that.
Thanxxx again

Author's Response: I'm pretty sure Draco would have found a way to kill Harry a second time. And then maybe he would have killed Ginny, too. (JUST KIDDING!!!!) As you will soon see, Draco has returned the favor, though we won't see him actually terrorizing Shehzin's family (maybe in the rewrite, but I'm getting lost in my own plot enough as it is). Shehzin will soon be back, and not for the best, in Ginny's case.
Name: That Iz I reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 06:19 pm
Mmm... Whether it's Draco spending time with Ginny, snogging, or the ice-cream. All cuts down to one thing, how sweet!
Blaise, you've got a mighty find head on your shoulders...or a damn good memory. Ha ha. Pardon my language.

Author's Response: I'd say damn good memory, though wouldn't you, too, remember such a fiery witch as Ginny Weasley? ;) Thanks for the review!
Name: Anya reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 05:26 pm
Oh... sorry for the double post... I tried to delete the first one, but it didn't work. There were lots of mistyping, because of the headache and stuff. Sorry!

Author's Response: No problem :)
Name: Anya reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 05:23 pm
Ok... It's past midnight and I'm nearly dying of a headache, then I was calling it a day and, just one second before shutting everything off, there came the warning of a new chapter of one of my favorites.
The headache is suddenly gone and I was eager to read it throughly. ^^
Uhuhuhuhuhu they're going to have a baby!!! (aka "Malfoy's heir")
Why didn't Draco think about that before? *wide grin imagining the surprise she will have*
About Zabini discovering who she is, I think, as you said before, he will be really careful about the way he will break the news.
Nice touch about Draco wishing she didn't have his mum's hair. ^^
And Ginny is being more herself each passing day. No good, no good.
Yay! First review!
Name: Anya reviewed 12. Treading on dangerous ground on Aug 18, 2006 05:21 pm
Ok... It's past midnight and I'm nearly dying of a headache, then I was calling it a day and just one secondo before shutting everything off there came the warning of a new chapter of one of my favorites.
The headache is suddenly gone and I was eager to read it throughly. ^^
Uhuhuhuhuhu they're going to heve a baby!!! (aka "Malfoy's heir")
Why didn't Draco think about that before? *wide grin imagining the surprise she will have*
About Zabini discovering who she is, I think, as you said before, whe will be really careful about the way he will break the news.
Nice touch about Draco wishing she didn't have his mum hair. ^^
And she is being more herself each passing day. No good, no good.
Yay! First review!

Author's Response: Well I'm glad this help, though Advil or Motrin have similar effects regarding headaches ;) Yeaaaaaah, they're going to have a baby... Unless Ginny does something crazy when she realizes she's pregnant... Then Draco would have to prevent her from harming herself and/or the baby (or would he...) Zabini IS going to be a threat, though he isn't as bad as one may expect him to be. He's merely loyal to Draco... And you're right, Ginny is letting herself go, probably because she feels so comfy with fandom's handsomest wizard. Thanks for reviewing, as always :D
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