Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Rashonda reviewed 15. Christmas secrets on Sep 11, 2006 08:16 am
This chapter was very visual. It's odd how Ginerva is slowly letting her mask become revealved, I know it was very emotional looking in the face of Tom's daughter and understanding the meaning behind her freckles/spots but to disclose that about her family to her put her at great risk. Hopefully no one was lurking, of course Cyrus knows so he's looking for the best time to strike out against her, I'm kinda feeling for the girl too, because when Draco finds out about her deception hell he's anticipating she'll have to suffer whatever faith he bestows upon her, and from the sounds of it he believes he'll be well within his right to do whatever he chooses, what a tangled web she's woven. GJ as usual, and GL on class I know how you feel being overwhelmed with classes. :)

Author's Response: We saw with Riddle's diary that Ginny trusts her instincts, sometimes bestowing her trust upon undeserving people. Let us hope that Izha is a better person than her father was. You are absolutely right in thinking that Draco will believe himself entitled to doing whatever he wishes to Ginny, and that certainly isn't good news. Thanks a lot for reviewing!!!
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