Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: cams_09 reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Jan 25, 2007 02:55 pm
I love this story, I check all the time to find updates! I can't wait for another chapter... 8^D
Name: Ananyamous reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Dec 21, 2006 02:26 pm
Oh, when I saw that this story had been updated, my shriek (of delight, of course) rivaled the high pitch of the smoke alarm.

Then, I read it and sighed. I can wait for another chapter. If you happened to post it on Christmas morning, or earlier, I wouldn't mind at all...

Thanks so much for this....awesomistic story.
Name: flavoroflove reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Dec 09, 2006 01:43 pm
stupid and itiotic!

Author's Response: agreed!
Name: mmmmdraco reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Nov 26, 2006 12:32 pm
holy cow...LOVE this story please please pleaseeeeeeeee update...i read it all in one shot since it was so awesomeeee great job love ittttt
Name: Coldplay reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Nov 07, 2006 09:37 pm
Great chapter, but PLEASE get them back together! It breaks my heart to see them apart. :( Maybe with the birth of their sons, Draco and Ginny will forgive each other and leave the past behind ... *crosses fingers* ...
Name: die Loreley reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Oct 15, 2006 05:04 am
I love Draco to bits, but he really scared me in this chapter. I guess your past never really lets go of you. *sigh* Must've been a shock for him to find that his beloved Ginevra was little carrot-top Ginny, who sent Scarhead *cough... i mean Harry* a horrible Valentine. But I find myself very glad that Blaise got to him before Cyrus' letter did. There would be hell to pay then... not that there wasn't.

Ginny could possible miscarriage from the shock of Draco abusing her physically. And I think him trapping her in the Manor is an excuse for him to keep her longer until he knows what he'll do with her... he can't bear to let go of her, even if she's a *Weasley*. Or she could have done some serious damage to the baby anyway by drinking.

But good chapter, though terrifying. At least the truth's out, right? It can only get better from here. *doubtful look* I hope Draco treats her well, even though I guess Gin kind of deserves it after deceiving him like that.
Name: spider reviewed Prologue: Laws of Blood Purity on Oct 14, 2006 10:26 am
Interesting. This actually brings up one of the questions I've had since the beginning of the story - and answers it, I suppose. I had wondered why even though Harry defeated Voldemort, why purebloods seemed to dominate everything. I assumed that it was just because Harry, and most/ a lot of his friends/family (the Weasleys), and allies had died.

But it's probably because of this laws of blood purity.

On a more random note, did you get Hadrien Prewett's name from the Roman architect/emperor? I love trying to figure out why you pick the names you pick, and I recognized this one and wanted to ask.

Author's Response: Yes, I was hoping it would explain why the wizarding world was so messed up. Did I do a good job, or is it an unsatisfying set up? (I imagined it to be somewhat similar to Hitler's take over of Germany, even if faster--but then again they're wizards, so i assumed they would live everything more intensely) Hadrien was indeed named after the Roman emperor. Good call! :D And thanks for the many reviews you've left me :)
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