Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: noludoru reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 03:24 pm
Amazing.. I actually started drooling when I checked my e-mail and saw that you had updated.. *so excited and happy* Now, to re-read this several hundred times until it's memorized.
Name: Silent_Reader reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 02:26 pm
Good! Draco is given Ginny her share of grief.
Name: V_is_for_Violet reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 01:34 pm
she really should make him suffer! just wanted to say i've enjoyed d story so far.. can't wait for updates.. happy week b4 Christmas!
Name: MissMarie66 reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 11:35 am
WOW! that was soo intense. i hope they will make up though i like them better together! i luv this story, its amazing! plz update soon!!
Name: Ana reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 11:34 am
I have to agree with another reviewer - I want Ginny to kick Draco's ass. He's horrible to her and her actions were completely understandable. I also want Serafina to die. Preferably painfully. Please update soon - this is one of the few remaining fics I read anymore and I love it!
Name: abby reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 11:17 am
sniff, sniff...I love it...update

Author's Response: i will :) thanks for the review
Name: Aslan reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 10:55 am
Are they EVER going to be happy? :( They should try to forget and forgive. I know they care for each other. *sighs* I don't like how Draco treats Ginny. Yes, he's IC ... and yes, she lied to him about her identity and her intentions ... but sometimes he annoys me!

Anyways, great story! Loved this chapter. Please update soon! This fic is a gem!

Author's Response: hum... they might end up living happily ever after; i really don't know! I'll update ASAP, but thx for the review!!
Name: no reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 10:10 am
i want more.!!! lol!! its great !! i like it.. will ginny and draco ever get together???

Author's Response: there's more coming, tho def not along the lines of forgiving and getting back together... >:] thanks for the review!
Name: Bella12 reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 08:52 am
another great chapter, its just so sad, i hope Ginny and Draco can get over this and tell each other that they really care for each other. cant wait for more

Author's Response: thank you :) hummm sometimes i wonder whether they do really care for each other.... just kidding!
Name: ale reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 08:00 am
i love ur story, i really hope u update soon because i just cant wait and read how you'll get this to back together if they do.. which i really hope u do... great writing keep it up

Author's Response: ill try to update soon--i have two more chapters written down and three weeks of vacation, woohoo! expect some more! thanks for the review!
Name: thenilaughed reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 07:42 am
I am quite nearly going mad, wondering what will happen between them next.

Author's Response: about as mad as they're becoming, i can tell you that much... (mwahahaaaaa)
Name: Eova reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 07:19 am
oh god, will it get worse?

i feel so sorry for the both of them...

nevertheless a very great chapter and beautiful writing... I love Izha and how you elaborate her character

Author's Response: hum yes, i can safely say that it will get worse... and then maybe better... i'm happy you're enjoying this, and thank you very much for leaving a review!
Name: susie reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 07:06 am
Oh so good!
I think Ginerva should commit suicide.
Haha, just kidding!
Love your fic

Author's Response: oh dear, suicide? no she's much too aggressive to do such a thing. Thanks for the suggestion though ;)
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 06:42 am
I am so glad you updated this story. Missed it very much. This chapter was great can not wait to see what happens when the annoucement is out.

Author's Response: i know, im sorry... i hope to update more frequently for a few weeks at least. But thanks for the review!!! :)
Name: DanRadcliffesgrrl reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 04:53 am
Thank Goodness you updated. I was nearly going crazy waiting for one. I hope you can update sooner next time. Thanks.

Author's Response: Sorry... I will try to update ASAP. Thanks for the encouragement :)
Name: WG13 reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 04:50 am
Yipppiee - an update!!

This has got to be the best early X'mas present I have got this year!

Fab update as always. Hope Draco gets the comeuppance that he so richly deserves. Ginny's not giving it back enough.

Author's Response: hopefully you can get another early present before christmas--ill do my best! As to Ginny's giving back, don't worry: she will.
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