Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Tatiana reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Mar 22, 2010 09:58 pm
Ooooh. Scary. The interaction between the characters is awesome in this chapter. I especially like Neville and Draco's interaction, and how you imply the worst of Draco (in regards to little Harry Arthur) and then turn around to show, ha, he's not really that freaking cruel and compassionless after all.
Name: Lyn reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 31, 2007 11:51 am
Awesome as usual...although I don't really think Draco would want his sons reading Eragon. They deserve better :P
Name: ZSF reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 30, 2007 07:48 pm
Oh, BTW, if you'd let me do some illustrations for your story... *batting eyes* That'd be great. I'm no monet, but I can draw a pretty picture *buffs nails*... Though my scanner is PRETTY ANCIENT so I'd have to fix some stuff.

Author's Response: OF COURSE I'd let you do some illustration! :::does a little dance of unrestrained happiness::: Not only that, I'd be highly honored if you agreed to. Wow... Cool :) Thanks! :::off to float on a little cloud of bliss:::
Name: ZSF reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 30, 2007 07:41 pm
NOOO!!! Cliffy! *fumes* Wonderful chapter, Angry! Draco is also v. v. sexy, no?
Name: Xxfire_and_icexX reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 28, 2007 02:49 pm
Aww!! I can't wait until the next chapter!! This is so interesting!!
Name: Julie reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 26, 2007 12:09 pm
Ahh! I love this story! Do you already have the ending planned out, or are you writing and planning as you go? Keep up the good work! Update?
Name: Anne reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 20, 2007 02:13 pm
Brilliant story! Don't stop to go back, just keep writing! Can't wait to read what's next...
Name: sunkisses reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 20, 2007 05:00 am
Please update soon! Cannot wait to see the memory...

Author's Response: it's coming it's coming!

Author's Response: though i haven't heard from my beta yet so it's not actually coming immediately lol
Name: citrusabby reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 04:32 pm
Great chapter, though I'm uncomfortable at the possibility of a Dean/Ginny relationship in the story. Still, that's what brings on the suspense and expectation!
Name: adrianna reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 04:15 pm
oh! you must write more soon! I read this story when i was SUPPOSED to be studying for my SATs! -.-

i am expecting a new chapter or two soon...
Name: Ananyamous reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 12:00 pm
Oh, I screamed again and did the fanfic dance when this came up on the Most Recent page. Then, I screamed because I hurt my foot during the dance. But it was worth it. I kinda wanted Ginny to not go to an old friend, because it would make it easier for Draco to find her. But, I do want Draco to find her soon. But, I want him to be nicer. It's so......such an inner conflict. I'll just have to wait for you to update soon. Thanks.
Name: temptingfate reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 02:52 am
This is a very good story. I can't wait to read more. I hope they come to their sense. I have a feeling that she will understand that Draco didn't want to hurt her family but she will have to listen to him to understand. I hope all works out in the end. Thanks for taking the time to write this story it really is wonderful.
Name: sweetpop reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 12:35 am
I've just had a thought- even when Ginny cast that spell, the one " you will never find me" I'm thinking that during Draco and Ginny's binding ceremony, they mingled blood right? So is it possible that Draco has a bit of Ginny's blood in him? Possible he could use it track down Gin? *sharp intakes of breath and begins to get all shaky* I must say, the determination and threats Draco is using to track Ginny down is scarying me!!
Name: sweetpop reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 19, 2007 12:26 am
This story is awesome! I loved it how you've changed Draco in some aspects but also kept him being "Draco" if you know what I mean. And Ginny in this story... I can't even find the right words to describe how much I like Ginny in this story! Just everything
about her. I think it's amazing how you've introduced new characters to us, and made them fit so well in with the story, and all the events that have happened in this story never makes this story dull. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Cheers x
Name: BellaRagazza reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 18, 2007 07:20 pm
My favorite story on this entire website. I eagerly await more updates, considering I spent 2 nights straight reading it thus far...=)
Name: Jen reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 18, 2007 04:12 pm
Although I agree that Draco and Ginny have an unhealthy relationship, I don't think it's SO unstable that they wouldn't be able to work it out. Anyway, I'm a sap for happy endings, and I sincerely hope they get back together (w/o anyone dying).

Love the story! Dying for another update!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 18, 2007 02:34 am
fabby! I think it's wonderful you had her staying with Dean Thomas. I didn't like the way Rowling dismissed him in the book, as it made Ginny seem unfeeling. This was a much nicer way to handle it.
Poor Draco, but what did he mean that Ginny did't know why she came after him? If I'm being entirely stupid with that question then it doesn't matter...
Dean next!?!? I hope Draco doesn't hurt him, but I guess you've already decided that... Can't wait for more!
Name: Ana reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 18, 2007 12:21 am
Oh Draco. Such an idiot. If he kills Dean I will never forgive Ginny if she ends up going back to him. And I wanna see what's in the memory!
Name: Robin reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 17, 2007 05:41 pm
Even though I love your characterization of Draco I find myself wishing he never finds Ginny. I feel like he doesn't deserve a happy ever after at this point. In my mind he has a lot of growing and healing he needs to do before he and Ginny can be together. As much as I love D/G I was thrilled that Ginny managed to escape Draco. It would be tragic for D/G to raise children in such a horribly unhealthy relationship. I have never cared for Dean much, but if he can give Ginny and her children peace I would be tempted to push for a non D/G ending. I hope you haven't found my thoughts offensive. I truly have enjoyed this story.

Author's Response: :/ Why would I find your thoughts offensive? On the contrary, they give me the necessary feedback so that I know whether I can give D & G a happy reunion or not, and what would be its costs... You're not the first person to point out that this is a rather unhealthy relationship, which, in my mind, means two things: either it has to stop, or it has to become healthy. I think that one of the main problems in my story is that I haven't stressed enough the fact that they emerge from a country that was torn by about one year's worth of a bloody war. This leaves entire populations scarred (psychologically, I mean), and, because it forces people to make decisions, it often screws up events and individuals. I suppose I'll have to show this better in my rewrite. In the meantime, thank you very much for your review. As much as I enjoy unilaterally enthusiastic ones, I have to admit that I very much appreciate more critical ones. So thanks :)
Name: WG13 reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 17, 2007 07:46 am
*sigh* as always, I really enjoyed this update.

Wonder who the tortured friend of Dean's is... is this ur way of getting Ginny to see a different point of view? Himm... wonder what will happen to Dean, when Draco sees all those paintings of his wife around his studio... poor chap!

I am dying to see how things will proceed when Draco finally finds Ginny.

I don't quite know how I feel about the Draco that u have created. You have depicted some one who is quite the bastard. In my book, I think his low point happened when he threatened an innocent baby. No matter how desperate you are; to tell any mother that you will kill her child if she doesn't corporate with you is as repulsive as one can get.

PS: Sorry to be a nitpicking twit, but I think that there is a mistake in the following sentence. "Blaise said, I poured copious amounts of Veritaserum in the beer I paid him..." You mean bought him right?
Name: Moonyk reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 17, 2007 06:07 am
Oops, sorry I forgot I left a review already. Thought the first one was abit too sketchy cos I was in a hurry. *twiddles thumb* Did I say how happy I am??? I think I want to reread this story. =)

Author's Response: No, wait, don't reread it NOW... I'm planning on reworking the chapters soon, maybe take a break from all the writing process in favor of the re-reading/correcting... And thanks for your reviews :) including all the ones you've left in the past chapters
Name: Moonyk reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 17, 2007 06:05 am
Sorry I can't be bothered to log in but I'm here to review!

Dean was a pleasant surprise! I'm glad you brought him in, he's such a sweet boy. Thinking of Ginny as his high-school sweetheart is...sweet! I liked that you made Dean in love with her! He's a nice bloke, much nicer than icy Draco. I'm surprised he still wants her even though she's pregnant and MARRIED. No questions about her husband's identity?

And how naive is Malfoy that he doesnt think to think that Ginny HAS had boyfriends before him? Or has he just been ignorant of that fact? But I liked his reaction though! Teehee!

Good job as always, make me dance around. This came just in time, when I was stressing out over school. Cheerios plus Oreos!

Ps: I'm confused about that orb thing that Dean gave Ginny. How is that suppose to work?
Name: Moonyk reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 17, 2007 03:31 am
He's gonna kill Dean. Kissing Ginny? Even if it's just on the forehead?? *looks around nervously* This chapter came just in time, when I'm stressing out over assignments. Thank you!!
Name: bobkatz reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 11:12 pm
It's getting so exciting. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Name: Rashonda reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 09:34 pm
Wow. I really fear for Ginny in this. More so now, then I did before. Because if he can threaten to kill a baby, then he's damn near capable of doing anything. Now, I want to believe he said that to Hermione to get her to cooperate fully. But on the other hand, he's been shown to be capable of anything at this point so I wouldn't put it pass him. I want Ginny to have the strength to see that memory as hard as it'll be, she needs to know what happens so all this can come together. I'd rather also Ginny go back to Draco then him finding her, at least it wouldn't be as confrontational as it would be if he'd actually found her himself. Great job overall as usual, this chapter really cast a whole new light on your Draco. It sets him apart from all the others I've read so far, he's really ruthless and cut throat in this.
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