Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: carol reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 08:59 pm
uh oh
spells trouble for ginny...

i like your draco and ginny...
Name: pens82 reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 06:33 pm
Name: ronlover reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 05:58 pm
LOVE the update. Please update soon. Please? lol
Name: jess reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 04:50 pm
lovely as always, just one minor nitpick....Eragon was not yet written in 1999...

Author's Response: gah... you got me there :) :::debating what to do::: Maybe it was published in the wizarding world before it came to ours? :::hopeful grin:: thanks for pointing this out!
Name: That Iz I reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 03:55 pm
I feel a great weight on me to worry for Dean's life. Also, the sphere's not going to help Draco's defense much, isn't it? Although, I wouldn’t have wrote it any other way because it’s so unlikely. Draco was Draco.
P.S.- The idea for claming baby Harry Arthur was sweet. Quite within character!
Name: anonymous. reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 02:56 pm
yeah! great supposed to be studying right now for midterms but i cudnt resist reading htis.
Name: Marie reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 02:32 pm
uhhh! the SUSPENSE! its killing me! i love this story and i sort of want it to be a happy ending bcuz i think they both really love each other even if they don't realize it..but i don't think i will get one. can't wait for the next. you are a fabulous writer.
Name: CCC reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 01:51 pm
I am hoping that the memory will show that Draco did not kill her family. Is that too much to hope for?

Author's Response: hum... yeah... it's like thinking Ginny would prefer Harry over Draco: completely inconceivable. Sorry :/ In fact, it doesn't plead in Draco's favor very much...
Name: DanRadcliffesgrrl reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 12:58 pm
Brilliant chapter of course. I hope nothing bad happens to Dean while Ginny's there, but I doubt that she's going to leave before Draco shows up. Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks!
Name: kitkatsuga reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 12:04 pm
You know at first I was ecstatic when Ginny found a way to escape and i'm happy that she has a safe place to stay but after the little talk Draco had with Hermione, i'm starting to feel sorry for Draco. He seems desperate, he genuinely wants Ginny back, and not just to kill her then and there but happy again. He's miserable without her and i really hope he finds her in the next chapter. Well once again, you bring us an awesome chapter and i'll be looking out for the next one. Ciao
Name: Persephone33 reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 12:02 pm
I enjoyed the way this chapter was set up, with the settings announced before the action began. Nice touch!
Name: blissfulxsin reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 10:47 am
I can't wait until you update this again. I really want Draco to find Ginny and soon. She was being a little to paranoid when it comes to Draco, he loves her but she can't even see it.
Name: Anise reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 09:35 am
You've chosen a particular AU of this world, and you've written it very, very well. Your Draco is probably one of the very best I've ever seen of this type of characterization. Unfortunately, this very success carries its own limitations. He crosses a line that goes beyond any possibility of an easy D/G ending to this story. I really, really hope that you don't come up with one, because the fault with this type of fic is that it can almost never resist giving us a D/G conclusion that is not justified by its setup. I do think you can write a D/G ending, but it needs to be as complex as the rest of the fic has been to date. Best of luck in getting there...

Author's Response: I definitely understand your point, and it has pushed me to rethink the possible ending of my story. Then again, I definitely hadn't planned all of this when I started writing it :/ so we'll see where it takes me. On the other hand, I'm forced to point out that Draco says a lot--and threatens, and does things that are far from being commendable--but that (so far) he hasn't hurt anyone. Well, except for the Weasleys, and explanation (though not, I'm afraid, justification) for that will come later... Granted he isn't particularly kind to Ginny, but she was the one who tried getting back at him in the first place--but no one's crying for Draco... I'll see how this all develops, but there is no doubt that I need to go back and fill in some passages, flesh out others, make things more credible, etc. Thank you for your critical and right-on-target reviews. :)
Name: spider reviewed 22. Hunting a woman on Jan 16, 2007 09:29 am
Ohhh noooo. I really don't want anything to happen to Dean; he's such a sweetie. I'm just a little confused about one thing - Dean had a friend who became a Death Eater and told him all about what happened the night the Weasleys were killed? But is it that he couldn't watch the memory, or that he didn't want to because he didn't want to see Ginny die? And then it's contained in that little orb? Sorry if I sound completely dense; I just wanted to make sure I got it right.

In the next perfect world, I would have Ginny be with Dean, if only because he's so sweet in this story.

Author's Response: He can't access the Memory Sphere (go Final Fantasy X!) because he has to be somewhat related to it to be able to read it. Of course you'll get to see what's in it in the next chapter (I'm mean but not mean enough to keep that memory a secret). I think that in this not-so-perfect world, Dean is going to find out there are various, very convincing reasons for him not to be with Ginny--and the fact that she is not in love with him is definitely the least important (at least when his life is concerned). Thanks for all the reviews you've left me over the months :)
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