Reviews For Frozen
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Enduring the Silence on Aug 19, 2006 05:24 pm
Oh, so that's how Draco became Head Boy. Hmmm...I'll have to stew on that one for awhile. I have to agree with Draco, "What a load of rubbish." But the bits and pieces of history that you're giving us here are falling into place and making sense - even if it's not the whole picture by any means.

And I adored the way Draco finally shocked Ginny into silence. Good for him - one step closer to Potter's girl.

I have a weakness for Draco POV stories so thank you very much for giving me my fix!

Author's Response: Yes, it's still a little shaky as to how Draco became Head Boy, but we'll see a little more of that. I suppose it's like a puzzle,and I'm only giving you a few pieces at a time. Thanks for the long review, as usual. I look forward to your thoughts on the upcoming chapters because you provide such insight and feedback. Yes, hee, it is good for Draco. It took him a little while to figure it out though. Oh, and you're very welcome. I love being inside his head, it's such an interesting place. ~Lunaeyes
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