Reviews For Shall Rise Again
Name: sinistrascoven reviewed Chapter 10 on Oct 11, 2006 12:00 pm
EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love the last line. "This was going to be awesome." I have never been prouder to be a muggle. I have awesome furniture!!! Great chapter. I really liked it. We haven't had a chapter just about Ginny in... why, since story one? I can't remember. But it was very great, especially since I'm looking for my first place at the moment and feeling sort of nervous about it. Please update again soon. I can't wait to watch Draco's furious reaction.

Author's Response: Yes, writing Ginny on her own was fun, for a change. She's a strong girl and she doesn't need a man by her side to get what she wants. :) Good luck with finding a place, I know how nerve-wracking the hunt for a flat can be! And thanks for reviewing!
Name: ellie reviewed Chapter 10 on Oct 11, 2006 08:50 am
just fabby...
and, um... powerful.

Author's Response: Hee, thanks! :)
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 10 on Oct 11, 2006 05:28 am
Wow, Ginny Confunded a Muggle to force him to give her the apartment! I am very surprised, lol ;) It makes me think of the World Cup when they kept zapping that Muggle man. Isn't that a bit abusive? No wonder wizards are afraid of Muggles--if wizards were being manipulated thus, they would hex back without question. Anyway, thanks for the new chapter :) Sad about D and G breaking up though ;(

Author's Response: Yes, that's what I was thinking, the Quidditch World Cup - it seems like manipulating Muggles is not all that uncommon, for wizards, and even though I'd imagine that the Weasleys would frown on one of their children doing that, I don't think it's far-fetched for Ginny to Confund someone if she needs to. As to the breakup, don't worry, they'll meet again and talk some more ;-) Thank you for reviewing!
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 10 on Oct 11, 2006 04:44 am
Heheehe - Ginny 'confund-ing' her landlord... Draco has definitely rubbed off on her!

Author's Response: *g* So it seems, doesn't it? But she has rubbed off on him too, never fear...
Name: alia reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 09, 2006 11:39 am
great chapter. i really liked the different emotions.

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm glad it came out convincingly, then! :)
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 06, 2006 01:45 pm
WOW I really love this story. I can't wait to read more. Good Luck! :)

Author's Response: Thank you! :)
Name: shiiki reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 06, 2006 05:20 am
Next one out soonish, you said? I hope so! :) This was a wonderfully emotionally-charged chapter ... I was hanging on to every word! Keep it up!

Author's Response: Yes, I hope to post more soon, but I never know when inspiration strikes. Thank you, I'm happy you liked it!
Name: Kisou reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 09:43 pm
Yay. I really liked that. I was worried Ginny would give in, and then I couldn't really respect her anymore. Lovely job. Keep it up.

Author's Response: Thank you for this comment, I'm glad you think so. I've had people say that Ginny was behaving selfishly, in past chapters, but I do think she has a valid point, with her protests against Draco's ideas of justice. So I felt this fight was necessary, and I'm happy it came across believably :)
Name: Curlysu reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 09:21 pm
sorry das ich erst dazu komme weiterzulesen, aber ich hatte in letzer zeit ganz schönen stress mit arbeit und schule so das ich kaum noch zeit hatte zum lesen zu kommen.
Nun die kapitel lassen wieder alles offen vorallem das letzte. Es ist gut das Draco langsam merkt das ginny ihm mehr bedeutet als nun SEX. Aber ist es nicht immer so das man immer etwas zu schätzen weiß wenn man es verliert, weiß ich doch bei den beiden nicht hoffe.
Und was heißt du wirst die Geschticht eventuell zu ende schreiben. DU musst sie zu ende schreiben, das wär echt schade! Schließlich bist du sowas wie eine inspiration, habe schon wieder eine neue idee für ne story, mal schauen ob ich die zeit dazu finde sie auf papier ausreifen zu lassen. Ach danke für dein Angebot mir mal was zu übersetzen, ich werde sicher mal darauf zurückkommen. Falls ich mal eine meinung zu ein paar ideen habe dann hoffe kann ich mich da an dich wenden.
So keep up the work and pleaseeee finish the story
gruß Curly!

Author's Response: *g* Nein, ich sagte ich schreibe sie 'eventually' zu Ende - eventually = schließlich, letztlich. Keine Sorge, ich weiß genau, was passieren wird, und ich hab die Kapitel bis zum Ende vorbereitet, jetzt muss ich sie nur noch fertig machen. Noch ein ganzes Stück Arbeit *g* Ich freu mich, wenn Du diese Story als Inspiration empfindest, schreib definitiv mal selbst was! Ist doch super, je mehr Autoren im fandom, desto besser! Ich will hier noch nicht zu viel verraten, aber das letzte Wort ist bei D/G noch nicht gesprochen ;-) Wenn sie eins sind, dann stur, und so einfach geben sie nicht auf. Aber leicht wirds nicht. Naja, ich hoffe, Euch bald ein update bieten zu können. Danke und liebe Grüße!
Name: doraweasley reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 08:24 pm
Yay! Very excellent chapter! I'd say my favorite so far yet. Wonderful! Cannot wait until next one!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm happy you liked it!
Name: ogygiasylph reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 04:26 pm
Mmmmh delightful :) The tamper tantrum, the subtle mix of anger and sorrow between D & G, and then the mother/son confrontation... All were masterfully executed and inexorably pull me deeper into your story. I don't suppose we can expect a new chapter imminently, but I'll be watching... Beautiful job!

Author's Response: Thank you! I love writing Draco's tantrums, now and then *g* and of course confrontations between D/G, while painful to read, are fun to write. I do hope to update soon though, with something less angsty!
Name: Tessie Tura reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 04:00 pm
I feel like I just got punched in the gut.

In a totally great, my g-d you're a great writer sort of way ^_^

Author's Response: *g* Thank you, and sorry if the chapter was painful! :)
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 03:47 pm
What a powerful chapter. That bruising, heartbreaking fight was an interesting one. (Hats off to you, peki. You throw a mean punch!) It was a perfect parallel between the Weasleys and the Malfoys as you've portrayed them. Ginny was almost knee jerk black and white/ right and wrong - like her family. And Draco was trying to justify his own selfish actions while sitting on pretty damn thin ice - his own initial manipulation and use of Ginny. Draco, like all of your Malfoys, is an elegant manipulator but underneath his cool exterior, he bleeds and hurts like the rest of them. *sighs* I thought his uncharacteristic, rather Weasley-like explosion at Narcissa, accusing her of using him - hah! - , was the perfect ending to the chapter. Thank you.

Author's Response: Thank *you*! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments, on lj and here :) I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to wrap up this chapter in a semi-timely fashion if you hadn't encouraged me with your kind words, and this review totally made my day, too :) I'm a very happy writer right now!
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 01:07 pm
Aww, so sad.
update soonish

Author's Response: I will definitely try, thanks!
Name: rockerbabe_6767 reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 12:38 pm
I'm going to cry!! That was sad...I feel bad for Draco and Ginny and I don't know who to pity more.

Author's Response: Hee, I love to hear it! Means that I've managed to pull it off the way I meant to. Thanks!
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 12:35 pm
Oh, that is really sad... Good job! Lol, I look forward to your update :)

Author's Response: *g* Thank you!
Name: bobkatz reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 12:15 pm
I love the fact that Draco's so vulnerable and broken, it just makes me love him even more. Excellent chapter.

Author's Response: Oh, same here. I love him, especially when he's at a low point, and forced to admit that he has feelings, too. Thank you for reviewing!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 11:11 am
~OMG...poor poor Draco. I hope that they get back together.~

Author's Response: Yeah, he's in a miserable state, but then, Ginny has a point. I hope to update soon so you can see what happens next. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Bella12 reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 08:39 am
this is one of the best chapters of the story. please tell me they get back together!!

Author's Response: Thank you, I was surprised that people reacted so strongly to it, but very pleased :) And I don't want to spoil the suspense *g* but I think I can say that this argument is definitely not over.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 07:46 am
I knew that this was going to make or break them and now with everything happening I am sure that Harry is going to do his damnest to make Draco choose. Tell me that Ginny is going to have a baby and I will really be going crazy over here. Is there nothing to save my fab couple? Depressed over here, my day just went downhill. Squish, squish!

Author's Response: Aww, didn't mean to make you depressed! Sorry! But they have to go through these things to see if their relationship has a chance of working at all. I promise you though that there's more to come, and it won't all be sad ;-) Thank you for reviewing!
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 07:44 am
Poor Draco, he is so sad. I love it though the drama, the romance & the suspense. I look forward to seeing you update soon.

Author's Response: Yeah, he is, but love is sad sometimes *g* I hope to update soon. Thanks!
Name: McKenzieMac reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 07:39 am
ooh that was a sad one! *tear* But good!

Author's Response: I know, I'm sorry. But there's a lot more to come, so there's hope! Thank you for reviewing!
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 9 on Oct 05, 2006 05:00 am
Ouch! Self realization never comes easy does it... wonder how ur going to get them out of this knot.

Author's Response: No, it really doesn't *g* They both have some decisions to make, and need to realise that they can't change everything about the other that they don't like. Some flaws, you have to live with, though that may be hard to accept. I hope to post more soon. Thank you for reviewing!
Name: rockerbabe_6767 reviewed Chapter 8 on Sep 30, 2006 09:01 pm
Loved it. I just read Break In The Sun and had to read this too. It's two in the morning but I'm glad I stayed awake to read this. It was bloody brilliant. Can't wait to see more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! :-D I'm glad it was compelling enough to stay up for *g* More will be up soon, I hope!
Name: CharmedPhantom reviewed Chapter 8 on Sep 22, 2006 01:36 am
AKK short chapter *cries* but me likes a lot :) boo for draco for keeping me in silence.*sad puppy dog eyes* pwease update soon ;)

Author's Response: Short chapters are easier for me to handle, though I know readers like long chapters better. Sorry! But I'm happy you like it :)
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