Name: tudorrose1533 reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 17, 2006 05:02 am

I love this.

I really do.

A series of drabbles can be so effective, and you write so well. And the valentines, the way they were worded, were SO in character.

I absolutely adore this! Hurrah for Valentine's Day!

Author's Response: Thanks! It is fun sometimes to really have to limit how many words you can use to really capture what's going on. It's interesting how the littlest words or actions can really hone in on who a character is. Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! ~Ves
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 17, 2006 03:05 am
These were wonderful fun!

Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for taking the time to review! ~Ves
Name: ronlover reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 16, 2006 07:00 pm
Love this mini series. =D

Author's Response: Thanks so much!! Just a bit of diverting fun. ~Ves
Name: Embellished reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 16, 2006 04:02 pm
This is much better with the missing piece! I still love the Narcissa/Lucius bit, but the D/G is much richer with that one little bit. It's amazing what a difference 100 words can make, isn't it?

Author's Response: It does make a bit more sense, I am sure! Wow, you get super reviwer points for taking another read with the pieces here in the right order. Thanks so much!! You've made my night! ~Ves
Name: WG reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 16, 2006 03:30 pm
Love the way the lines flowed... seemingly effortless.

Author's Response: I can tell you quite honestly that is the product of much editing. I really enjoy working with only 100 words..every word becomes that much more important. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a review!! ~Ves
Name: anonymous i reviewed Secret Messages 2 on Aug 16, 2006 03:22 pm
aww... this is so cute! i really love how it's so simple, but at the same time, there are many extra stories (i.e. lucius and narcissa, blaise and pansy, marcus flint, etc.) and you tie it into the past so well with draco and ginny's notes of what they've done to each other. it's great. thank you. it left me smiling.

Author's Response: Thanks!! I love seeing how much I can cram into 100 words...or in this case 700. I love leaving little things that could be expanded or hint at other stories...I love that in the stories I read. Thanks again for taking the time to leave a review!! ~Ves
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