Reviews For Red
Name: Nutmeg44 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Oct 09, 2009 03:20 pm
finally a ginny with balls. im sick of all the ginnys who whine and simper to draco. sure hes hot but so is she so he should pine once in a while.
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Sushi Dinner on Oct 31, 2008 02:02 pm
Here's another review for you. Wahoo.
Name: contextual reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 22, 2007 03:59 pm
I ADORE the banter so far. That, and Ginny showing up in funeral attire. I can picture it perfectly. What fun! Off to read the next chapter :)

Author's Response: Well, who doesn't love some good D/G banter?
Name: snowfelon reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 21, 2007 07:23 am
Hi! Like your story, it sounds promising. By the way, where i'm from it's spelt gyoza... haha.

Author's Response: Did seriously spell it wrong? Crap . . . I'm a rabid sushi eater, but I'm also Italian, so Japanese spelling is hardly one of my strong points (my experience with Japanese culture being limited to anime and sushi). Thanks for telling me!
Name: countrifiedsoul reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 04, 2007 04:17 pm
I love you story, Dracos inward vulnerability towards Ginny and her head strong ways. Can't wait for the next chapter! Cheers!

Author's Response: He's not as strong as he appears . . . thanks for the review!
Name: Caroline reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 04, 2007 07:55 am
huh! What just happend? Csn't wait for more=)

Author's Response: Thanks for your review!
Name: TwistedPixie reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 03, 2007 04:41 am
nnnnooooo come on girly don leave it there! please. i cant wait for more and i hope you hand gets better soon.

Author's Response: Thanks for the wishes, and I promise that this story won't spontaneously stop there. Updates will be forthcoming!
Name: bonnetinthetoilet reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 03, 2007 12:08 am
I'm so glad you updated. I really like this..and how DID Rosemary find out about that? Can't wait till your next update.

Author's Response: Oooh, you'll just have to wait to find out, huh? Hehe.
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 08:52 pm
So he did? Whaaaat? Update soon my curiosity is killing me. He says no but there is the mark...

Author's Response: Exactly! Thanks for the review, by the way.
Name: sarina reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 01:15 pm
uh i like it. its different, but i really love fics of them after hogwarts.. and i like the fact that ginny isn't - like usually - a healer!
well written!

Author's Response: I know what you mean! Everyone seems very centered around this notion that Ginny goes into the medical field! She doesn't strike me as the type.
Name: RoseMaryHater! reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 09:14 am
Excellent, ahte Rosemary! Bitch! (Rosemary, not u) You r absolutely amazing, hope your hands feeling better.

Author's Response: Thanks, it's gotten a bit better.
Name: oxymoron8 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 08:48 am
agnst...i like this dont take forever to update...i really like...cannot wait to get more of it....

Author's Response: Sorry, I really am, about the delay. As you will soon learn, I'm the most accident prone person you've ever met . . . if it's not sinus infections it's a sprained ankle, so I find myself indisposed quite a lot . . .
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 08:03 am
Hmm, I wonder if there is truth to the rumor that he shagged Rosemary, will we be able to know the truth soon?
Who is Ginny seeing now and does Draco really want her back?
How will he win her heart back?
Intriguing and I anticipate a new chapter with some more of your great convesations between our fab couple - Draco and GInny!

Author's Response: I guess you'll just have to come back and see about the truth of Rosemary, eh? Hehehehe. I like being evil.
Name: GPGA reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 07:24 am
This is really good, and i can't wait for more. Keep up with the good work!

Author's Response: Thanks! And I'll try . . .
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 04:12 am
This is very fun. Ginny's last line of this chapter is gold... wonderful! I eagerly await the next installment!

Author's Response: Glad you like it! Generally Ginny's one of the hardest characters to write for . . . I can pull inspiration from my friends for all of the other characters (myself, being neurotic, for Hermione), but Ginny's a tad difficult.
Name: Angelsea585 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 02, 2007 02:24 am
You updated! You updated!
I was beginning to worry that this day would never come! I'm glad it's not all resolved too quickly. Wonderful to see such a promising fic continued. Hurrah!

Author's Response: Erg. Sorry about the delay! I'll try to get a new chapter up quickly . . .
Name: jkinx7 reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 01, 2007 11:18 pm
i reall like your plot n writing style!do continue, and hurry up with the chapters...good luck!!!

Author's Response: I gladly accept the luck (I'll need it). Thanks for the review!
Name: aaliokulta reviewed Sushi Dinner on Jan 01, 2007 08:59 pm
So good. I love your Ginny. She's awesome. And I love that D&G mess with each other by throwing insults back and forth. Fantastic. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yeah, I've always imagined that they had a witty relationship, sort of like Nick and Nora Charles, if you've ever seen "The Thin Man".
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