Name: harry22 reviewed Love and Quidditch on Jan 25, 2007 11:45 am
Dint enjoy it b/cuz you put blaise in the spotlight, not ginny!

Author's Response: I shall live for the day you enjoy a chapter, then! ^_^
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Love and Quidditch on Jan 24, 2007 02:41 pm
Me review u update. Me enjoy chapter me review. U update. U update now. lol me says that was fun!

Author's Response: LMAO at your review. U rock! Thank you! :]
Name: MK Richie reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 17, 2007 09:33 am
That last part was really something special! This was a great chapter and I'm really looking foward to more!! I do enjoy how you tie in the shakespeare stuff and the old mythic ways.. it makes the story more realistic. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Aw, thank you so much! There's a mix of Norse and Celtic mythology coming up at Yule. I think you'll like it and I hope to update faster so the story will get there sooner rather than later! ^_^
Name: flavoroflove reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 15, 2007 09:20 am

Author's Response: Interesting comment. :D
Name: Pipperstorms reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 14, 2007 05:21 pm
That was an amazing chpter. Simply put.

Author's Response: Simple like diamonds, shiny and perfect! Thank you!
Name: reviewed Matchmaker, Matchmaker on Jan 14, 2007 04:36 pm
Oh okay, then thats good. Make sure ginny has a sexier bum and breasts because that would be hot. (for draco and me) ima big ginny lover!

Author's Response: Ginny is definitely the curviest girl, but Draco likes her for her fiesty personality as much as her body....although their attraction does heat up! :D
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 13, 2007 01:08 pm
liked the chapter! update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm just waiting for the beta to send the chap back and I'll chuck it into the queue asap! ^_^
Name: Lottie reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 13, 2007 07:52 am
Oooo! Faery laughter? I have a feeling they've played a trick!

Author's Response: Either the faeries played a trick, or they're amused by the one Draco and Ginny pulled on everyone. :D
Name: tulzdavampslayer reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 13, 2007 04:47 am

Author's Response: A vamp slayer giggling is a smiley thing! :]
Name: Harry26 reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 12, 2007 06:36 pm
Okay, You seem to make Blaise sound more freakin sexier and beautiful then Ginny. This is a D/G website, helllllllooooooo!

Author's Response: You reminded me of a scene in A Knight's's called a lance, Hellooo! :D Does it help to know that this is a fifty chapter story and while Blaise and Terry's romance burns the fastest in the earlier chapters, D/G burns the brightest? I hope so! ^_^
Name: blissfulxsin reviewed Happy Hallowe'en! on Jan 12, 2007 06:00 pm
Awww that was so cute. I can't wait until you update again. I'm really hating Terry. That git hurt Draco.

Author's Response: Terry's not bad, he's just jealous. He'll deal with those issues...eventually. :D
Name: GinNDray07 reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 08, 2007 01:56 pm
lovely story. do continue please

Author's Response: Thank you, I will. My beta's been on vacation, but I'll double check the next chap myself if I have to. ^_^
Name: MK Richie reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 05, 2007 04:21 pm
Another nice chapter! However, sometimes I find myself confused by the paragraphs when you suddenly switch to someone else's thoughts or voice and I have to go back to reread. This subtracts slightly from the great idea you've got here. Your very creative, don't get me wrong! Also, the story gets a bit draggy when you keep going back to the same arguments.. I feel like I've read about the same dancing fiasco for the last three installments! Maybe try making your chapters a littler longer, even if it means you can't update so soon. Please keep going and continue the story, you improve with each chapter.. in fact, this is one of my favorite D/G shakespeare reworks. *hides from glares and hopes she isn't hated*

Author's Response: All concrit is welcome, and the chapters do get longer as the fic goes on. This site doesn't support page breaks, but when you see double paragraph spaces marked with dashes, that signals change from one pov to the next and the first line afterwards tells you who the pov person is and I stay in that pov until the next change marked with another set of double paragraph spaces. Only Draco, Ginny, Luna and Blaise have povs and they revolve in order depending on plot, which will have events from time to time that characters respond to and deal with the consequences from, like real life but more dramatic. ^_^
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 04, 2007 08:45 pm
" you wish." When I first started this story I really didn't like that you made Belize a female. Though, I made myself continue, oweing to your creative license. I am so thankful that I did as I have enjoyed and loved every minute! You use and understanding of Shakespeare has been incredible and my favorite stories always include a snarky Draco. I look forward to every update. Please continue quickly and know that your readers find you and your work, fabulous. ~~Kristine~~

Author's Response: Since I find reviewers fabulous, you made me very happy saying that! Thank you, especially for giving Girl!Blaise a chance. If I had started a D/G story after the HBP I wouldn't have created an alternate character, so I'm glad I wrote it after OotP! :D More Shakespeare to come from all sorts of sources, since there's too much too limit to Much Ado.
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 04, 2007 12:09 pm
i knew the name Wesley Roberts sounded familar! haha sweet! loved it! great story update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! I think of him as a 'dead sexy pirate' of a boy. :D
Name: blissfulxsin reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 03, 2007 12:39 pm
rawR. I hate Terry for trying to harm Draco. He needs to learn to get along with his girlfriend's best friend.

Author's Response: Draco is one of those guys that you might jinx for being naughty, but you don't want anyone else doing it! :D He and Terry will learn to get along....but not for a good long while, LOL
Name: Angelsea585 reviewed Affection and Aftermath on Jan 03, 2007 12:14 pm
"Don't mind me. I'll just sit here with the door opened, playing chaperone, leafing through Horrible Hexes for Randy Roommates. I'll be fine, as long as I hear no suspicious sounds."
Love, love, LOVE!

I've been hanging out for this to return from its holiday hiatus. Hurrah!
Heh. I love aliteration.

I'd been wondering if Terry Boy was going to try and retaliate after Draco and co. set him up the first time. I'm not sure Draco's really going to listen to Ginny's warning though.

Loved the 'two houses' line, also!
*Does first review dance*

Author's Response: *Throws leftover New Year's confetti* Huzzah for you being the first reviewer! :D I'm an alliteration addict also, amiga, ;) so I couldn't help poking fun at myself. Yay you like Wesley!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed To Sleep, Perchance to Dream on Jan 03, 2007 08:06 am
lovely..... can't wait for more

Author's Response: I feel so bad for taking a holiday on updating! Mea culpa! I'll edit and submit asap...and thanks for waiting. ^_^
Name: tulzdavampslayer reviewed To Sleep, Perchance to Dream on Dec 28, 2006 12:16 am
teehee, I've always loved this story... it was just what I needed tonight!

Author's Response: Thank you, and for saying it was just what you needed! :)
Name: tulzdavampslayer reviewed Getting Girly and Green Eyed on Dec 27, 2006 08:36 pm
yes I'm reading this story again.
I think this is actually my third time through it... heh...

I love Hermione's "accidentally" hitting Ron with 'Hogwarts: a history'. every time I read that line I have a giggling fit. teeheehee...

Author's Response: Huzzah for giggling fits! Can you imagine how much that had to hurt? *giggle*
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed To Sleep, Perchance to Dream on Dec 24, 2006 08:15 am
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sooooo cute!!!! update soon!!!!!!

Author's Response: I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and I'll try an have another chap up before the New Year! ^_^
Name: MissMarie66 reviewed To Sleep, Perchance to Dream on Dec 23, 2006 05:53 pm
OH! i luv this story! even Blaise and Terry are cute! thanks!

Author's Response: Thank you for loving the story and making my Christmas Eve bright! :)
Name: luckyrubberducky reviewed Protesting too much and Testing Potions on Dec 23, 2006 12:50 pm
haha, that was very clever adding Tom's name in there, and Robbie Coltrane's. I really like this story, especially how you are portraying thw characters. keep up the great work =)

Author's Response: Ta, Thanks! Since we aren't selling stories, adding a few familiar names was a writer perk I'm glad you smiled over too!
Name: idunno reviewed Matchmaker, Matchmaker on Dec 23, 2006 08:03 am
ummm... blaise zabini is a guy....

Author's Response: Yes, in HBP BZ finally got a gender and a description to go along with the name, but before that, 'he' was only a name. This story written pre HBP, so that's why I put in the summary that it's an Alternate sixth year and Blaise Zabini is a girl. If you think of her as 'the other BZ' I think you'd enjoy the story! ^_^
Name: jess10 reviewed To Sleep, Perchance to Dream on Dec 22, 2006 07:40 pm
Ahhh that was the cutest.

Author's Response: Thank you, and I hope Father Christmas brings you something sparkly for being so nice to review! ^_^
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