Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Jan 07, 2009 04:07 pm
"You will not blush, you bugger!" ROFL!!!!
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Mar 27, 2007 02:22 pm
His internal dialogue is hilarious! *passes Draco a hankie*
Name: die Loreley reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Dec 11, 2006 10:41 pm
Oohhhh! I love the effect Ginny has on Draco. If she realised it, I wouldn't put it past her to manipulate him into doing things. Not that she isn't already. :P

I love that we see everything from Draco's point of view. I suspect it'll be far more entertaining than seeing the same things through Ginny's eyes. Although I suspect she has the same biting wit as Draco.

Is it bad for me to automatically go "don't touch the biscuits! You never know what she put in them."? And I smirked up a storm at Ginny pouring tea for Draco and her etiquette lesson. To think that a Weasley was teaching a Malfoy his manners. *tsk tsk, Draco*

Author's Response: You think McG would poison the biscuits? Have a little faith, dL!
Name: Embellished reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Dec 02, 2006 07:37 am
I just started reading this story, and it is quite enjoyable. I like your Draco--his self-pity is very funny. I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out!

Author's Response: Self pity (in others) is amusing... to a point. You'll have to let me know if it gets annoying. Thanks for the review!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Nov 30, 2006 03:55 am
"You will not blush, you bugger"
fabby fabby fabby... again ;)
no you shall not silence the fabbiness of writing fabby with your sarcasm. I am enjoying reading this vair vair much, it is a ray of sunshine in a field of rather grey stuff....
uhh, well done. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Thanks. I've never fancied myself as a "ray of sunshine" but can certainly work with that. Thanks so much for the review.
Name: ziolkowskis reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Nov 30, 2006 01:30 am
Such a fun story - your Draco is a hoot. Love the stuff he says versus his thoughts. Keeping writing - I am definitly enjoying.

Author's Response: Thanks, I believe I will.
Name: Angelsea585 reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Nov 29, 2006 03:34 pm
GASP! You can't post my comments - everyone will know what a dirty mind I really have!
*Frowns dissaprovingly at the lemon biscuits*
Well, each to their own, I guess.
Much love and congratulations for my favourite Texan (That puts you above Jensen Ackles, you realise?)

Author's Response: I suppose chocolate would be better? With tea? Ew. Should I know who Jensen Ackles is? In my defense, it's a big state.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Manners, Potions and Loneliness on Nov 29, 2006 02:21 pm
You have the best chapter titles! Thank you for gracing us with yet another wonderful chapter. I have more comments, but am far to lazy to write at the moment, so they will come with the next review.

Author's Response: Thanks & you're welcome. I had a very good time with the titles.:)
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