Name: rebel_angel reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Apr 20, 2009 09:52 am
Haha, I have done the walk of shame, but it was in the middle of the class day and he walked with me...the shameful part is that I'm a lesbian now and all of my friends knew it then, poor guy he thought he had a chance after that.
Name: Bosco reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jul 09, 2007 08:34 am
Tee hee, I just had to review because I've done the walk of shame. I did it to a final one time in college, dressed in some boy's clothes and late for the final. I completely sympathize with Ginny on this one! Also, I thought it was brilliant with the idea to work around the Avada Kedavra spell with it to backfire on the caster!

Author's Response: Hee. That's the best 'Walk of Shame' story ever! To a final? I his clothes? Painful. The worst I ever had to do is to just go home. You definitely win the prize. *g* Oh, and thanks for the review!
Name: seegrim reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Mar 30, 2007 06:49 am
I don't know if I've reviewed this chapter before, so excuse me if I have.

I just had to share with you I love this whole exchange:

“Do Malfoys whimper?”

He looked at her curiously. What an odd question. He chose his answer carefully. “When the situation requires, Ginny, possibly so.”

How wonderfully Draco!
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Mar 28, 2007 03:17 am
Oh dear, I do hope they're worrying over nothing. Having McGonagall telling them off for that would be just horrifying *g*
Name: MistressMalfoy reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Mar 07, 2007 11:55 pm
Yes, I have done the walk of shame... with a gigantic hangover and my friends doing the hateful slow clap as I came in! But this is very very good, and you must hurry because I want to know what happens... does Harry find out?? Stupid scarred git that he is, I hope Draco smirks at him!

Author's Response: *gasps* Not the slow clap! Horrid!
I'm just waiting on the corrections to come back... it'll be posted as soon as I get them. Rest assured, if the speccy dolt does find out, there will be much smirking involved...
Name: twiddlekinks reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 09, 2007 10:14 am
Aiiieee -- the walk of shame. haha I think I almost did, but then I made the guy drive me home. College, man... hehe Your fic's full of fun times, and cute conversations. Well done! :)

Author's Response: Thank ya!
Name: INDYCICURN reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 09, 2007 12:25 am
Thankfully, I have not done the walk of shame. But I would for Draco, shhhh, don't tell my husband. I haven't read any chapters til tonight but I LOVED every one. Just wish you had all 16 chapters approved and available....darn it... You have a wonderful talent, my cheeks ache from smiling, I love the story. ~Kristine~

Author's Response: I think more than one woman would do a lot for Draco that we wouldn't want to tell or husbands about *g*. It will all be out before you know it! Thanks for the review!
Name: Angelsea585 reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 10:45 pm
A life-sized Jensen poster? You really do love me!

Beautifully done again, Queen of the Underworld! You're a veritable Jane Austen youself. *Hugs*

Author's Response: I do! Thanks, you're a sweetheart! *hugs*
Name: Analucia Malfoy reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 07:35 pm
The dreaded walk of shame...I'll plead the fifth. Excellent chapter. Your Ginny and Draco are adorable together; I love their sparky wordplay. Thanks.

Author's Response: Me, too. *cough* The fifth. Thanks for the review!
Name: seegrim reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 05:33 pm
Oh my gosh, have I told you yet how much I adore your story? I really do love the way you write Draco. Completely wonderful! Please keep it coming!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I will!
Name: Blueeyedbrunette reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 03:30 pm
ah yes..the walk of shame..taken that quite a number of times...good work keep up the fantastic work!

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: sweetietha2nd reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 02:12 pm
it is very nice a few mistakes here and there but very interesting sure to catch many eyes continue to write you have a nack for it i will sureley review your other one have a good day!
Name: Lucia reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 12:58 pm
I absolutley love this story...can't wait to see how it ends. Keep up the great work...speaking of work...I'm already late but had to see how this chapter ended. As for the walk of shame...haha yeah I've done it...its even worse when you're caught by younger family members...

Author's Response: Sorry you were late for work! Thanks!
Name: spider reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 12:14 pm
Hahaha! Ginny doing a half-innocent walk of shame is still pretty funny. I can't believe I didn't read this story earlier, but I'm glad that I've started it now.

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: I'm glad you're reading, too! She *was* innocent wasn't she? Ah, if only all walks of shame were that way!
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 11:01 am
Oh, the walk of shame. Thats a fun one.
Good chapter! I really like your Draco. He is wonderfully snarky, and still his wonderful, pratish self. The only thing that bugs me is how often they say eachothers names. If you have a conversation with some one, how often does thier name actually come up? Almost everyone does it, and some more than others. It is just one of my writing/reading pet peeves. Fabulous chapter though! Thanks for the update.

Author's Response: Do they? Aside from the little thing they have? I'll watch it.
Name: Embellished reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 11:01 am
I love Draco and Ginny's conversation. You certainly have a talent for writing their banter. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thanks very much! I like dialogue. Comes from writing plays for so long!
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 10:47 am
love it!!!
plzplzplz update asap
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 10:05 am
must give up Mervyn Wagtail obsession...
Fabby. Well done. Draco's lewdness could be disputede, but *what* does McGonagall want???

Author's Response: Mervyn was my beta's idea. She's brilliant. McGonagall prolly wants Draco, too. Who doesn't?
Name: Eova reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 10:02 am
hehe, that i wont tell you ;)

but I tell you that your story is truly wonderful. I just love how you can capture the situations and their feelings and everything (the bed scene alone made me all giddy inside ^^) feels so real :)
i also really really love your draco, he's the perfect mixture of his usual prat-self and the unsure boy, who has fallen in love....
keep up, you're brilliant!

Author's Response: Aw, so sweet! Thank you!
Name: beckysue2 reviewed Whimpering, The Walk of Shame, and Lewd Behaviour on Jan 08, 2007 09:05 am
Isn't the walk of Shame from that movie Sorority girls? I think it is, at least that's the only time I've seen it. Good chapter, by the way...

Author's Response: Did Sorority Girls come out before 1992? If so, maybe she got it form there.
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