Reviews For Redemption
Name: xNymphadoraX reviewed Chapter 2 on Dec 16, 2006 05:04 pm
Your Draco is a very unique one. We're used to sarcastic, suave Draco and condescending, bully Draco. But yours has a new level of depth, a frailty which is very humanizing and still very believable. Excellent!

Author's Response: I love these kinds of reviews! Not because they're so positive (though of course I don't mind that either--haha), but because you tell me WHAT you liked about it, not just THAT you did. It really is very helpful. And it's great to have the readers analyze the characters... it helps the writer to step back and view the story through different eyes. I'm glad my Draco is believable! Thanks for a great review! :)
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 26, 2006 04:53 pm
This is very true to the books, that must be hard. Good job. I'll be checking back for more.

Author's Response: Thank you! That's one thing that I try really hard to do as I write--stay true to J.K.'s characterization. Of course, it won't be perfect, and I'll have to take some creative liberties as the plot progresses, but it's encouraging to hear that I'm doing well so far. Much thanks! :)
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 26, 2006 07:09 am
umm, no constructive criticism from me...
vair good. can't wait for more :)

Author's Response: You're too kind. ;)
Name: Sannikex reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 26, 2006 06:52 am
Great work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks! :)
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 26, 2006 03:30 am
I like how you have dealt with both Harry's and Draco's struggles in this chapter. The scene where Harry returned to Gryffindor was particularly poignant, I thought. I'm looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Your very welcome. Thank you for the review! :)
Name: Jenny reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 26, 2006 03:19 am
Wow...great chapter, I really like the story and how its progressing so far. You characterization of both Draco and Harry is brilliant!! Bravo!! PLease keep on writing and update soon!!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! And now that it's Christmas break, I do hope to update soon! :)
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 2 on Nov 25, 2006 07:17 pm
UUUUURRRG, awful/wonderful cliffhanger, lol :) I am very interested in this story. It has such great potential; I have high hopes! I love what you've written so far. I just wish canon-Draco gave in to Dumbledore's offer :P Sigh, JKR really wants us to hate Draco, no? But we love him at FIA :) YAY, so, good luck writing, I cannot wait for your next installment!

Author's Response: Thanks for your encouragement! And as for canon-Draco... . I have a (probably futile) hope that he will redeem himself in the last book... but until then, I write it the way I want it. Haha.
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